Empty track collection of short stories

Sora no Trail Collection of Short Stories

I am a guerrilla.

Living in a small country town, it is my job to protect the peace of the region.

I also accepted the commission today and went to the scene. The first commission was to milk the ranch. The second is to plow the farmland.

It's just a piece of cake for me.

The last commission is to look after the children. I thought watching children should be a very happy job. But I am too naive.

This family has 7 children. Even if it was me, it was really hard to deal with 7 children.

Holding a crying child, carrying a baby on his back, preventing them from quarreling, washing clothes, cleaning, walking the dog, etc., and other tasks other than taking care of the child are also to be done. Even though I am tired and hungry, I will not forget to report to the association. It would be too embarrassing to fall down like this.

After finally getting to the association, I found that other guerrillas were staring at me.

By the way, because I am a famous guerrilla in this town. It is normal for other guerrillas to pay attention to me. Are you jealous of my grades?

Anyway, I came to the counter for the report. However, someone grabbed my neck from behind. Looking back, it turned out to be a person more terrifying than any Warcraft, my dad.

Dad punched me, hit me on the head, and yelled. "If you don't help with housework, how long do you want to play a game of guerrilla!" 』

As a result, I was dragged home by my dad, and then I was nagged and trained for a long time.

I didn't do anything bad. What a shame!

I call myself a guerrilla.

Today, we must also safeguard regional peace, and any entrustment will be resolved one by one.

Pushing the sliding glasses with his fingers, the young Hartz also continued his journey today.

What you can see is a plain white land. The sand is fluffy and thickly covering the ground, as soft as falling snow. "You haven't reached the river yet? 』

From behind Harz came the voice of the young Mindy. The hair color was like tobacco leaves poured out of a cigarette. A thin boy, every time he unrepentantly followed Hartz's adventures everywhere, he was his irreplaceable friend. "Soon. "Hartz replied without looking back.

The destination of the two of them was a river that crossed the middle of the "White Desert." It is known there as the last resting place for travelers and their camels who challenge the desert. Hartz and his friend Mindy are also planning to camp by the river tonight. "But, is it okay? Mingdi took out a melting candy, peeled off the silver paper outside, and said. "It's rumored that there are demons around here. Moreover, it is said that he will swallow everything indiscriminately. ""It's just a rumor. "Hartz said. "It's better to think about what to do if it comes out. 』

Between the two talking and laughing, someone suddenly spoke behind them. "Then you have to think about it quickly. 』

Hartz hurriedly turned around. What leaped into his eyes was an old man wrapped in a black robe. His waist arch was lower than that of a cat, and a pair of shaky round glasses hung on the nose of the hook. The more he looked at his face, the harder he could tell whether it was a male or a female.

As soon as Mingdi saw the figure close at hand, he immediately froze there as if frozen. "I...I'm... okay. Mindi blurted out, noticing Hartz's gaze, his face pale as sand. "It's just swallowing a candy. 』

The old man's cheek squeezed a complicated smile. It was as if there were any creatures living under that layer of skin. "Oh oh, oh oh, it's so cruel to swallow it! What a poor little candy. 』

The old man ignored his glasses and slipped off his nose, shaking his body and shaking his head like a rattle. "I will make up for Xiaotangtang's mistakes. Let me digest this dirty kid to the bone marrow and turn it into dust in the desert! The old man turned his muddy eyes to Mingdi. Quickly lifted the robes tightly wrapped around her body, and stretched out her hands like dead branches from inside. Fingers as sharp as a three-pronged spear stretched straight to the shivering Mindi's face, but they brushed the tip of the boy's nose and pierced into the air of nothingness. The old man turned his head as if a little weird, and suddenly realized something. He hurriedly moved his hands to his cheeks and carefully straightened the slanted glasses on his nose. "Even though I have not been good since I was a child..." Hartz said to the old man. "Unexpectedly, grandpa, your eyesight is so poor. 』

Hearing the boy's words, new wrinkles appeared on the old man's face. "how do you know? 』

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the old man looked at Harz again. "How do you know that I have poor eyesight? 』

Hartz and Mindy stared with wide-eyed eyes. In the meantime, the old man suddenly had an epiphany.

"Really, I understand. Hey, kid..." The old man pointed his boneless finger at Hartz's glasses.

"Are you magic glasses? 』

"Glasses...what? 』

"Oh, magic glasses! 』

Ignoring the bewildering voice of the young man, the old man in black robe looked up to the sky and laughed, and his body began to tremble again.

(to be continued)

"That is a horrible magic item that sees through the nature of the opponent! All lies in front of it have nowhere to hide! 』

The old man trembled for a while (make sure the glasses are not crooked this time), and stared at Hartz. "This kind of thing is useless for a child to hold. Leave it to me obediently. otherwise……"

Before the voice was over, it was shot. The old man lifted up an armful of thick stones and threw them into the big mouth of the blood basin. When he shut up, a gust of wind blew up and swallowed the stone in one go. In an instant, there was a "gudong" sound like an object falling from the bottom of the well. "……do you understand. If you don't hand over the glasses, it will be your turn to make my little candy this time! 』

Mindy looked at Harz in fear. "Look, see? That big mouth. What to do, it seems that this is the legendary demon! "But, it hurts..." Hartz said. "I can't continue traveling without glasses. 』

After thinking about it, another rock was under the old man's belly by his feet. There was a heavy sound of water in the black robe. "However, if it is swallowed, there will be nothing left. Mingdi imagined the end of the candy that he had just swallowed, shuddering all alone. "Yeah, there is no way..."

Harz approached the old man. "Well, grandpa, just do as you said. I still don't want to be swallowed. 』

"Hehe, hehe, what a clever kid. 』

The old man looked at Harz's face, the wrinkles around his eyes piled up like mountains. Harz silently took off his glasses and placed them at the old man's feet.

"This, this is the magic glasses..." The old man was so excited that his voice trembled, and his face moved towards Hartz's glasses. He hurriedly threw away his glasses, fumbled for a while on the ground, and found what he was asking for, and put them on carefully. "Oh, it's worthy of magic glasses! 』

The old man couldn't help himself, his robe fluttered. "As long as I have this, I will be fearless! 』

In the end, there was a roar, and the old man disappeared suddenly as he appeared.

Only two teenagers remained, staying alone on the white sand, listening to the wind drifting. Mingdi looked around cautiously. "Grandpa is gone. The figure in the black robe is nowhere to be found. Seeing Hartz's profile face in relief, Mindy was a little depressed, digging out candy in his pocket. He approached Harz, who was stunned where the old man stood, peeled off half of the silver paper and handed it over. "Don't be discouraged. The trip can be restarted. 』

"No, probably no problem. "Hartz replied. He picked up something from the sand and blew it clean. Then, as if thinking of something again, he calmly added: "That person, the eyesight is really not so bad. 』

Seeing Hartz turning around, Mindy's face also smiled. Because he saw something familiar on that face. "The old man, he made a mistake in the end, put his glasses on and ran away. 』

"Then what you are wearing now is..."

"It's just my glasses. "Hartz took the candy and put it in his mouth carefully so as not to swallow it wholeheartedly."

"Even if there are any magic glasses, it won't work for him to hold them. "Hartz pushed his glasses as usual. "Because the owner of the glasses always wears the glasses crookedly at critical moments. 』

(End of War Glasses Demon Chapter)

You remember that you read the message "Tracks of the Treasure Box" in the Tracks of the Sky SC Treasure Box, but you didn't want to read it at that time. Suddenly, you have a desire for more...trajectories in the treasure chest.

This desire for the story in the treasure chest is so ardent that a single word can no longer describe a suitable image. There are indeed many attempts at this, but each usurpation of the honor has ended in greater failure.

The best result is that most choose to describe its characteristics in a simple way: a steel plate with a dark cherry red wood frame that is hardly carved with plants.

But the legend does not mention that his mother, a humble carpenter, carved it out of confession, not for other purposes. It was never as a great exhibit, but as a quiet, sincere love.

"Dear Genevieve", the beginning of the letter said that such a note is obviously delicate and imperfect, and its owner must be very nervous, "I present you two gifts: this empty box, and my Love".

"Maybe the second gift is not welcome. Even so, I still sincerely hope to be your friend. Regardless of the answer, the days we spent together in that store will always be precious."

"I ask you:'Do you love me?' I have the only key that can lock this box. If you respond to my love, I hope we can meet again in that store and be there forever Guard our love."

"I will wait for your answer at midnight. Love you, Jubilee"

This story does not start from Genevieve or Jubilee, but from the store mentioned in Confidence. It was a very small building in Perth, crowded among some of the most famous shops.

Once, it had polished its merchandise-and, oh, hope it remains so! Some people may say that these words are too ironic, but this is the only way to euphemistically express that it was in the ruins.

The facade welcoming guests is eroded old bricks full of holes; cracked windows, fixed with tape, covered with cobwebs and insect remains, are disgusting.

This place does not look like a shop, but more like a new place for children who have been abandoned by its owner for a long time. But no, to be precise, it is indeed "very business".

Even with this first image, it is indeed no different from other shops on this street. Even if there are no rich customers, or even any customers, a shop is still a shop, really.

Before it fell into this situation, its owner was widely known, even before the Daoli Revolution. He is a carpenter with unmatched skills and often gives life to many different things.

Architecture, furniture, musical instruments, wedding rings... Regardless of the work, he had to carve each object adequately, and each one showed more effort than the previous one.

His passing brought grief to everyone, except for one: his son, he eagerly believed that no one could surpass his father's talent. More serious than his aversion to carpentry is that he hates the overwhelming weight of his father's name.

"Finally got rid of this burden," his son murmured coldly as he locked the store. This will be the last time he will be forced to step into this place. "I bet I can use his tools to sell a lot of Mira in the market."

The shop and its contents are now his, he can do whatever he wants, and for him, he will be happier if he never has to experience the unpleasant smell of freshly cut wood.

But his wife disagreed. She never stays quiet—a quality she is liked—and tonight, her voice at dinner is the same as usual.

"Beep, Beep, Beep!" With each beating of this plate, their silverware played bad music, and every note suggested that it was more messy than the previous one.

"I said I should keep it!" she said, her stiff tone surface, and any other plan he felt would be, to be precise, stupid. "Think of the history you discarded. Fifty years!"

"But for thirty-three years, I hated that damn place!" he said between chewing lamb. After swallowing it, he added: "Who will continue to operate it? I will definitely not do it, and you are not a carpenter."

"It's true, but selling it won't help you get out of your father's shadow" Oh, her words are very bitter. He had to admit it... when his father was not a topic of discussion. "We keep it."

"No, that place is mine, and I can do whatever I want to do with it. What I said like to do is never touch that thing again!" He swallowed another large piece of lamb, and then, beeping ! , He went to get the knife.

"You said to think about history. So how about Mira? Think about that. I bet one of the bricks will allow us to play in the casino in Closbell for several weeks!"

She sighed in a way that was half frustration and half disappointment. She never cared about money. Why would he try to use it to win the argument? She could only whisper to herself in her heart: "My husband is an idiot."

Following a rather disgusting clink, she put down her tableware and stared at him with a very firm look that would make the weaker person turn their eyes in shame. She bit her lower lip and asked:

"Did you ask Jubilee what she thought?"

He was despised by hearing Jubilee's name. His wife always has the habit of biting her lip before showing her ace, and there is no better ace than his daughter.

No, he felt a mental panic, no, no, no! There is nothing in this world that would change his opinion-even the lovely Jubilee. Not this time!

Or he thinks so. After the question was asked, there was a pause in the noise, and a few seconds later, they heard the firm footsteps of their daughter coming over. "Did you call me, mom?"

Jubilee just turned twenty last month. She is a clumsy girl with broad shoulders, a staggering height that can make others of her age look short, and the widest, stupid, and sincere threat that can be seen on the streets of Perth.

Her straightforwardness won the approval of everyone she met; she may be strange, but she won the approval of her peers and elders. She is the pride of her parents, and this will never change.

This is too unfortunate for my son. Just a glance at her curious and simple smile, he knew he would listen to whatever she said. Unfortunately, he knew which side she would be on...

"So-so", the son began to ask cautiously: "...If I told you I was going to sell your grandfather's shop, what would you say?"

This is the story of Jubilee, who was adopted by her grandfather and who would spend his childhood with her grandfather as much as possible, who became the new owner of a small carpenter's shop in Perth. [The Track of the Treasure Box, Part One, End? 】

You remember reading the teaser in Trails in the Sky Second Chapter for'Trails in the Chest,' but you didn't feel like reading it then. Yet suddenly, you have a craving for more Trails…in the Chest.

This is the story of a chest so finely carved, words alone cannot hope to illustrate a worthy picture. Many have certainly made attempts, of course, but each usurped the crown as a greater failure than the last.

At best, most choose to describe its features in simple terms: a dark, cherry-red wood framed with a steel that was painstakingly etched end to end with florae.

It is yet to be spoken of in legend, for its mother was a modest carpenter who carved it with no other purpose than to hold a confession. It was never meant for a grand display, but for a quiet, sincere love.

'My Dearest Genevieve,' the letter within began, the handwriting noticeably delicate and imperfect from what must have been nerves, I present two gifts: this chest, of which there is no other, and my love.

'Perhaps the second gift will be unwelcome, and should it come to that, I would still dearly wish to be your friend. The days we've spent in that shop are and will always remain precious no matter the answer.

'I ask you this: do you love me? I have the only key that locks the chest. Should you return my love, I wish for us to meet once more in that shop, and together, we will forever secure our love inside.

'I shall await your answer at midnight. From my heart to yours, -Jubilee'

The story truly begins neither with Genevieve nor with Jubilee, but with the shop in the letter. Located in Bose, cramped between two of the most popular shops on the block, was a tiny, tiny building.

There was a time when it had the polish of its products…and, oh, if only that continued to be the case! One might quip that it had character now, but that was only the polite way of saying it was in shambles.

The face greeted customers with an aged brick that had long eroded to the point of holes; the cracked windows, taped for stability and adorned with cobwebs and insect droppings, were repugnant.

The place looked less like a shop and more like the newest secret playground for the local children, long abandoned after the passing of its owner. But no; to clarify, it was very much'in business.'

Despite first impressions, it was as much a shop as any other long the same street. A shop was still a shop even after it was no longer full to bursting with wealthy customers. Or any customers, really.

Before it fell into such a state, its owner was known far and wide even before the Orbal Revolution. He was a carpenter of unparalleled skill, and he was frequently commissioned to bring life to all manner of things.

Buildings, furniture, instruments, wedding rings... No matter the job, he carved each and every piece handsomely, and each one showed more heart than the last.

His passing brought great sorrow to all but one: his son, who was acutely aware that no one could surpass his father's talent. More than he despised carpentry, he despised the crushing weight of his father's name.

'Good riddance,' the son coldly muttered as he turned the key to lock the shop. This would be the last time he would be forced to ever step inside.'I'll bet I can fetch a pretty mira for his tools at the market.'

The shop and its contents was now his to do with as he pleased, and as far as he was concerned, he would be a happier man if he never had to experience the nauseating smell of freshly cut wood ever again.

His wife, however, disagreed. She was never one to keep quiet–a trait of hers he normally adored–and tonight, she was no different than usual as she voiced her concerns over dinner.

Clack, clack, clack! Their silverware played an awful musical number with every smack on their plates, each note ringing with a hint more irritation than the last.

'And I say we keep it,' she said, her stiff tone implying that any other plans he dared to present would be, to put it delicately, stupid. Think of all the history you're abandoning. Fifty years!'

'And for thirty-three of those years, I hated that damn place,' he snapped between chewing cuts of lamb. After swallowing, he added,'Who's going to run it? I sure ain't, and you're no carpenter .'

'Sure, but selling it won't help you escape from your father's shadow.' Ouch. There was that sharp tongue of hers. He really did adore it…when his old man wasn't the topic of discussion.'We're keeping it.'

'No, we aren't. That place is mine, and I can do whatever I want with it. And what I want to do is wash my hands of the thing for good!' He swallowed another healthy chunk of lamb, then clack ! went his knife.

'You say to think about the history. What about the mira? Think about THAT. I'll bet we could go live it up at the casinos in Crossbell City for weeks off of one brick!'

She sighed in a way that was half frustrated, half disappointed. She never cared about money. Why would he try to win an argument with it? She could only say quietly in her mind,'My husband is an idiot.'

With one particularly obnoxious clink, she set down her utensils then glared at him with an uncomfortable firmness that would have a lesser man avert his eyes in shame. She bit her bottom lip before asking:

'Have you asked Jubilee what SHE wants?'

The son scoffed upon hearing Jubilee's name. His wife always had a habit of biting her lip before playing her ace in the hole, and there was no finer ace against him than their daughter's opinion.

No, he mentally panicked. No, no, no! There was nothing in this world that would have him budge--not even sweet Jubilee. Not this time!

Or so he believed. There was a pause in noise after the question was raised, and seconds later, they both heard the flat-footed thumping of their daughter's steps coming towards them.'Did you call me, Mom?'

Jubilee, had turned twenty just last month. She was a clumsy girl with broad shoulders, a stunning height that dwarfed most women her age, and the widest, goofiest, most sincere smile seen on Bose's streets.

Her candor had won over everyone she met; she may have been an unusual sort, but she had won over both peers and elders alike. She was a source of pride of her parents, and that would never, ever change.

That was quite unfortunate for the son. A single glance at her curious, simple smile and he knew he would cave to whatever she said. Doubly unfortunate since he also knew who she would side with…

'S-So…' the son began cautiously,'…what would you say if I told you I was thinking of selling Grandpa's shop?'

That was how Jubilee, who adored her grandfather and took every chance to spend her days with him as a child, became the new owner of a little carpentry shop on Bose. [Trails in the Chest, Pt. I, END?]

"Hmph, hum, hum, la, la, la! ♪" Xiuzi hummed, her voice barely heard under the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "I...!" she yelled. "Who is there?"

"Come soon!" she yelled, turned off the vacuum cleaner and ran to the door.
"Hello, my name is Sato, I'm here to do a special door-to-door business."

"Oh, Sato! Is it really you?" Sato is a senior at Hideko University and is in the same club as her.

"Hi, Hideko! Nice to see you again. Do you want to see what I brought today?" Hideko has always admired Sato a bit, so her answer is not surprising.

"Of course, please come in." Hideko will listen to what Sato will say. But no one will know the terrible fate waiting for Xiuko this day...

[50 years later...] This "hanging Health-o-tron" swayed loosely in Hideko's room, completely forgotten and abandoned. It was purchased 50 years ago, purely because of Sato's recommendation.

Every time Xiuzi thinks of those incidents, she will be full of regrets. It would be great if I had the courage to refuse the door-to-door business...

But that never happened. Hideko would never reject Sato at that time. , She didn't have much money at the time, but she still paid for the machine.

In addition, she and her partner also experienced a terrible divorce. After her child was taken away by her partner, her life looked messed up. Now, she lives in a small single room in an apartment...

And most of the time is alone. *Sigh* She didn't know why she sighed. Maybe it's just life that has crushed her. Then, suddenly...

Ding Dong! Her cheap doorbell rang throughout the empty apartment. "Who?"

Xiuzi didn't even wait for an answer. She rushed up and opened the door regardless. There, standing in front of her is...

'Hmm-hmm-hmm, la la la!' ♪, Hideko hummed, barely audible over the sound of the vaccum. Suddenly, ding-dong went the doorbell.'My!', she exclaimed.'Who could that be?'

'I'll be right there!', she yelled, switching off the vaccum and running to the door.
'Hello. My name is Sato, and I'm going door-to-door with a special offer.'

'Oh, my! Sato! Is it really you?' Sato was Hideko's senior in college, and belonged to the same club as her.

'Hey, Hideko! Nice to see you again. Would you like me to show you what I've got today?' Hideko had always been a bit attracted to Sato, so her answer was unsurprising.

'Certainly! Come on in.' Hideko would listen to anything Sato had to say. But no one could know the horrible fate that awaited Hideko this day…
[50 years later…] The'Dangling Health-o-tron' swung limply in Hideko's house, forgotten and neglected. It has been purchased 50 years before, purely on Sato's recommendation.

Each time Hideko reflected on these events, feelings of remorse would wash over her. If only I'd had the courage to refuse that door-to-door bargain all those years ago…

But that would never have happened. Hideko would never have denied Sato back then. See, she didn't have much money in those days, yet she paid cash for the machine.

And this was in spite of a messy divorce with her spouse eating up what little she had. Her children were taken from her as a result, and her life took a turn for the worse. Now, she lived in a tiny one-room…

…Apartment and kept to herself most days. *sigh*
She wasn't sure why she sighed. Probably just life catching up with her.
Then, suddenly...

The cheap chime of her door-bell echoed through the empty apartment.
'Who's there?'

Hideko didn't even wair for an answer; she just flung open the door without a care. And there, standing before her, was…

<Start the war>

In the spring of 1192, a cannonball shook the Harken Gate in the northern part of the Kingdom of Liber. This kicked off the war of aggression called the "Battle of the Hundred Days", and it was also the moment when the fierce golden horses attacked the white falcon.

At that time, the Harken Gate was just a gate that reinforces the medieval city wall, and the guided missiles fired by the guided chariot produced by the Imperial Ryanfort Company easily shattered part of the city wall. As a result, the kingdom's line of defense continued to be baptized by thunderstorms and turned into a mountain of rubble in a blink of an eye.

<Announcement of Declaration of War>

In fact, at the same time as the empire’s first artillery shell sounded, the Imperial Embassy in the capital of Grancell delivered a letter to Queen Alicia in the capital of Grancell. This is the declaration of war from the Ereponia Empire to the Kingdom of Liber.

According to diplomatic practices, the legitimacy of the declaration of war should be established on the basis of "disclosure before launching an attack." But the time difference this time was only in the blink of an eye. That is to say, the declaration of war was made at the same time as the shells were launched, and the empire declared war before the shells caused an attack, so that the preemptive attack was cleverly justified. This is a new type of diplomatic tactics that cannot be established without the meticulous connection of guided communication.

<Lightning Operation>

The Imperial Army, which literally crushed the Hacken Gate, began to invade Libel's territory. The total strength of 13 divisions is nearly half the size of the entire Imperial Army, which is nearly three times the size of the Royal Army.

Within only one month after the war, the Imperial Army occupied the territory of the whole kingdom except the Gransell area and the Reston Fortress on Lake Valyria. Even the Kalvard Republic, which is close to the kingdom and opposed to the empire for many years, lost the opportunity to send reinforcements under the extremely rapid lightning operations.

After that, the Imperial Army took over the Chase Central Workshop and the Maruga Mine, and forced the queen of the capital to surrender.

<Counter-offensive operations>

Two months after the start of the war, the situation of the battle changed in a form that no one expected. Three military garrison boats were developed in the Reston Fortress, and a large-scale counterattack was carried out under the command of the veteran General Morgan.

The military garrison boats developed by the Kingdom Army can carry a large number of heavy armor and high-performance guided weapons with combat power far exceeding that of tanks, and can reach a speed of 1800 Serre per hour, which is very maneuverable. The independent mobile unit, known as the elite elite, used the airship to regain the checkpoints connecting various places. Afterwards, the entire army of the Royal Army drove an airship from the Reston Fortress and smashed the imperial divisions isolated in various parts of the kingdom.

<The Final Battle>

Three months after the war, most of the imperial divisions that continued to resist in various places surrendered one after another. Although we can see the intention to carry out reinforcements from the empire, since the war, the mainland countries centered on the Karvard Republic have unanimously issued a statement of criticism against the empire, and the movement of sending reinforcements has also been implemented. Among them, the Qiyao Church and the Guerrillas Association jointly called for an armistice. About a hundred days after the war began, the war ended.

The following year, in the Qiyao calendar year 1193, Liber and Ereponia concluded a peace treaty in Elbe's Palace on the outskirts of the capital. Although no war damages were paid, the imperial government expressed a formal statement of apology with "faults due to unfortunate misunderstandings."