Tomatneo Biography

The legend of a tomato

There is a very hard-working Tomato Tomateneo somewhere. His goal is to become a great tomato. Tomátneo is proud of himself as a tomato, and dreams of being able to taste it with relish in the future, working tirelessly every day. The farmer’s grandfather said to Tomat Nio:
"You are a tomato to be proud of. Hurry up and grow into a delicious tomato and make everyone happy."
Hearing such words, Tomatneo did not live up to his expectations, and grew into a round, shiny, red tomato.
However, there is a tomato who thinks these actions of Tomateneo are stupid, and that is the lazy tomato.
"It's not good to work hard. Don't be too serious about everything, it looks cooler."
Tomatneo turned a deaf ear to such words.
In addition, there is a skinny crow who has been arguing with Tomatneo every time he meets after stealing Tomatoes.
"One day I must become a delicious tomato dish to make everyone happy."
Facing Tomatneo who was so eager to tell his dreams, the crow said badly:
"Even if a miracle occurs, if you are really sold, you will definitely not be able to sell it, otherwise you will end up as food waste."
After listening to Tomat Nio's dream and determination, he took everything as a joke. Even so, Tomat Nio's will was not frustrated at all.
Tomat Nio has a strong belief that no matter who is poured cold water on, he will not change his ambitions.

Then finally came the harvest day, and Tomatneo, who looked forward to this day, was full of joy.
But suddenly, the cloudless sky was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, and a violent storm began to blow. The typhoon is coming. The Tomatoes had nothing to do, so they were swept up by the storm and flew far away. Under such circumstances, Tomatneo has been holding on.
"In order to let people enjoy it with relish, I won't give up!"
Tomatneo concentrated on the vines, tried his best to survive, and resolutely survived the stormy night. When dawn arrived, the typhoon gradually subsided.
Although he was unwilling to accept that the long-awaited harvest day was ruined in this way, Tomateneo was relieved that the disaster was far away. Then he felt a strange feeling in himself. He looked at it tremblingly--unexpectedly, because he was desperately holding on to prevent the storm from blowing away, Tomatneo's body had transformed from its original round shape to a crooked shape.

At this time, there was a voice to Tomatneo, who was greatly impacted by the deformation of his body, that was the Lazy Tomato who was lucky to survive because of his petite size.
"Your appearance is crooked, no one wants to eat it at all."
Lazy Tomato sneered and laughed at him. Even so, Tomátneo is confident in his bright colors and inner deliciousness.
At this time, the typhoon, which was about to leave, blew the last storm, violently rolling up sand and dust, and hitting the farmland. Tomatneo's efforts have also become in vain, and the vines that have reached their limit are blown off by the wind. Tomateneo was caught in the storm, turned 1 turn, turned 2 times, and then rolled down into the forest.
Every time it touches the ground, Tomátneo's red body will wear out and become stained with dirt, becoming more and more dirty.
He continued to roll on the ground, not knowing how long had passed. Tomatneo finally stopped rolling and looked around and found himself in a vast forest.
In the midst of a while, Tomatneo suddenly heard the sound of stepping on fallen leaves, and turned his head to look in that direction. There appeared a sturdy wild boar famous for destroying farmland.
"Huh? This kind of place actually dropped the delicious-looking tomatoes."
After saying this, the wild boar moved his mouth close to him. Although it was not what he wanted to be praised by a wild boar, he couldn't help being happy when he heard it said that he looked delicious.
However, what the wild boar bites is the lazy tomato that was blown over with the storm just now. The beautiful lazy tomato disappeared into the wild boar's mouth triumphantly.
Then the wild boar shouted "It's terrible!" and vomited the lazy tomato out of his mouth.
"I have never eaten such an unpleasant tomato."
The wild boar spat out the remains of the lazy tomato angrily. Then he glanced at Tomat Nio.
"The shape and appearance of the tomato here are very ugly, and it looks even more unpalatable."
After the wild boar said these words, he left. Tomat Nio was very indignant about this.
"Don't judge me by appearance. If it's better than delicious, I'm very confident."
Tomateneo held back his tears, and the voice of defending himself desperately reverberated in the dark forest after the typhoon.

Tomátneo was left alone in the forest, and as he greeted the evening, the freshness gradually lost.
"I haven't given up yet. No matter where I am, I am a tomato to be proud of. It is more delicious than other tomatoes, and I want to make the people who eat it happy."
Tomátneo cheered for himself. Then, in the midst of the devastation, squeezed out the last strength to make the skin tighten in one breath.
Then, between the crevices of the soil, you can see Tomatneo's bright skin regaining its luster, reflecting the bright red sunset.
After a while, a thin black shadow was inserted into the reddish sky of the setting sun, and the black shadow landed in front of Tomatneo.

"What does Tomato Model Born do in this place? You have become too ugly, too."
Instead of saying hello with unpleasant words, it was the crow who kept arguing with Tomátneo.
"If you want to laugh, just laugh. But I haven't given up on my dream yet."
Listening to Tomatneo's rhetoric, the skinny crow gave a wicked smile.
"I knew you would say that. I really don't see a tomato that doesn't cry in the coffin."
When the crow finished speaking, it grabbed and connected Tomat Nio with its beak, and flew high into the air.
Then he fluttered his wings towards a distant place in the red sky. Seeing the crow constantly flying with the tomato in its mouth, other crows and forest animals asked it incredulously:
"Why don't you eat that tomato?"
The crow must answer this way:
"Instead of letting me as a gourmet eat it, there are other guys who are more suitable to eat this ugly tomato."
Tomateneo didn't know where he would be taken and was therefore upset, but he thanked the crow who took him out of the forest. The crow just snorted and responded coldly. Afterwards, the exhausted Tomatneo was attacked by drowsiness, and he leaned on the crow with messy feathers with confidence.

After flying continuously through the night like this, a refreshing morning came. Tomatneo was awakened by the morning mist. He is about to arrive at the restaurant opened by the legendary chef who is most admired among the famous chefs.
After the crow put Tomátneo on the conditioning table of that restaurant, he stood on the edge of the window.
"For the best tomato, this is the best place for you. I'm so stupid... actually attracted by your attitude of trying to live."
As soon as it finished speaking, it fell out of the window sill as if it had burnt out.
"Crow...!" There was a slight commotion outside the restaurant.
Since the crow met Tomátneo, he no longer steals crops from the farmland, and only relies on a small amount of food to make ends meet, so his energy has been exhausted.
"Thank you, crow, you are the best friend."
Just as Tomat Nio was immersed in the memories between himself and the crow, the legendary chef and cooks came into the kitchen.
"What is this stuff?"
On the kitchen counter was an ugly deformed tomato with soil and leaves on its body. The chef I saw said:
"Let's lose this dirty thing quickly."
As he said, Tomateneo was pinched and lifted, but the legendary chef stopped him.
"This is not an ordinary tomato. You can't just look at his appearance, you have to see his essence."
After the legendary chef finished speaking, he gently held Tomat Nio and carefully washed away the dirt on his body.
"Although it looks ugly, this is indeed the best tomato. Use this to make the best cooking."
When the legendary chef finished saying this, the kitchen was plunged into chaos and quickly prepared for cooking.
After that, Tomat Nio was transformed into the best dish under the hands of the legendary chef. Children who originally hated tomatoes have eaten this dish and become the favorite to eat tomatoes. They will never forget the taste of tomatoes for the rest of their lives.