Zero track & Bi track magazine short story

All kinds of novels and short stories

It is said that there are many places where supernatural events can occur in the Autonomous Prefecture of Closberg.

Originally, there were many ruins of unknown origin. Driven by a little curiosity, they approached these places. As a result, many people encountered terrorist incidents.


<Case 1: Moans in the ancient battlefield>

I wonder if the reader knows the "Ancient Battlefield" in the middle of the Almorica Trail. It is said that the empire and the Republic have repeatedly fought here in the past, which is a place of ties.

A few years ago, Mr. A (pseudonym), a guard member of Crossbell, came to the ancient battlefield to perform the investigation mission of the guard.

The investigation of the troops led by Mr. A proceeded very quickly. At the last ancient fortress they reached, they heard a certain sound.

"Come on... come to me..." Such a voice as if asking for help.

Out of a sense of mission, they tried to enter the fortress, but they couldn't find their way in. Unknowingly, the voice also disappeared. Mr. A's troops thought they were just hearing voices, so they were about to leave here.

At this moment... the voice came again.

"Get my head...recovered..."

It is said that it was the voice of a terrifying man.

The guards who heard the sound suddenly felt sick and dizzy inexplicably. Feeling that their lives were threatened, they quickly evacuated.

None of Mr. A’s troops reported the incident. Because of the horror, none of them wanted to mention it, and buried the experience deeply in their hearts.

Since then, there have been many reports of the voices of men looking for things from the ancient battlefield.


Was it the undead soldiers of the old age, or something else? The truth of this story is still unknown. Whether you believe it or not depends on the reader's own thoughts.

A long, long time ago, in ancient times far away. People are divided into two factions, east and west, and there is a long war.

At that time, there was a very kind-hearted girl living in a city. The girl enthusiastically takes care of the wounded by the war and the patients afflicted by infectious diseases, and she continues to encourage everyone.

People in the city like girls very much, only the lord is very dissatisfied with her who even cared for the enemy mercenaries.

One day, the lord summoned the knight to guard and gave the order.

"Go and kill that hateful girl for me!"

——He finally sent an assassin to the girl.

The girl lives alone in a house on a cliff outside the city.

The knight left for the girl's house to complete the lord's order. When the sky gets dark, stabbing her from behind, no one should notice. The knight was thinking so, hiding quietly in the forest next to the girl's house, waiting for the night to come.

At night, the girl went out of the house to draw water from the well. This is the opportunity the Cavaliers are waiting for. When he was about to come out of the forest, he suddenly heard a howl of "Ooooooo" around him. ——A white wolf appeared in front of the knight.

The white wolf stared at the knight with scarlet eyes, as if guarding the girl.

The frightened knight just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, and accidentally slipped and fell off the cliff.

When he opened his eyes, he was already lying on a simple bed.
He looked around blankly and saw the girl standing in the kitchen.

Then, he found that his body was carefully wrapped in a bandage, and then he realized that the girl had saved him.

"Great, you are awake."

The knight drank the hot soup, feeling very guilty in his heart. So he confessed to the girl that he had been ordered by the lord to kill her.

The girl seemed a little surprised, but soon smiled as if nothing had happened.

"Even so, I can't just watch the precious life bestowed by the goddess disappear like this."

The knight was deeply moved by the girl's words. He felt that she could be so gentle with those who tried to kill him, just like the daughter of a goddess. If the white wolf hadn't appeared, I'm afraid he would have killed her. Thinking of this, he shuddered. That white wolf must be the servant sent by the goddess to guard the girl.

A few days later, the knight who recovered physically thanked the girl and planned to return to the lord. He wanted to persuade the lord to give up the idea of killing the girl.

The girl also went to the city to take care of the sick as usual, so the two went together.

The knight walked, thinking about how to persuade the lord. Although he wanted to hear the girl's opinion, she didn't seem to care about being hated by others.

In this way, the two walked to the vicinity of the city and found that it was as if it had been dyed red by the evening sun.

It's obviously still daytime... The knights and girls who felt incredible were watching the conditions in the city.

Then they made an amazing discovery.

——That is not the color of sunset, the city is being dyed bright red by the flames of war.

Seeing the city surrounded by war, the girl and the knight were shocked.

To confirm the safety of the residents, they ran around the center of the battlefield.


The church in the city gathers the wounded who were involved in the battle and those wounded in the war.

The girl treats everyone carefully.

The injured people regained their vigor after seeing her enthusiastic appearance.

The knight also helped the girl carry the wounded to the church.


When most of the wounded were treated, the girl noticed something.

——The figure of the lord who sent the knight is nowhere to be found.

"Help, help!"

A familiar voice came from outside the church. There is no doubt that it is the lord himself.

As soon as the girl heard the sound, she rushed out of the church. The battle outside was still going on, and the knight chased it out in a panic.

Running in the direction of the sound, the lord who had no time to escape fell on the ground, and mercenaries from the enemy country were attacking him.

A mercenary ignored the lord's begging for mercy and swung a sword at him. And the moment when the sword was about to split the lord in half straight--


The girl quickly broke into the mercenary and the lord, blocking the sword with her body.


Everything happened between lightning and stone fire, and the knight had no time to stop the girl. ——The girl has collapsed.

The mercenary who had cut the girl by mistake was taken aback, and then he recovered and raised the sword to the lord again.

Suddenly, the roar of wild beasts resounded throughout the audience.

The white wolf that the knight met near the girl's house appeared with his companions. The mercenaries were so frightened when they saw the pack of nearly ten wolves, they all fled.


Only the lord, the girl lying on the ground, and the group of white wolves were left on the scene. The lord ignored the white wolf, he couldn't understand why the girl had to save her life, and his mind was in confusion.

The girl fell to the ground and smiled to the lord.

"Why save me who wants to kill you?"

The lord couldn't help asking the girl, and she answered like this.

"Lord Lord is an important person in governing this city. In order to prevent people in the city from losing their leadership in the future, I must save you."

The girl cares about the people who have suffered from the war, and at the expense of herself, she guarded the life of the lord who intended to kill her.

When the lord learned of the girl's tenderness and found her own stupidity, she finally passed away forever.

The surrounding white wolves howled again, as if mourning for her.
Then, they don't know where they are going.

The knight looked at the girl who was already motionless, and shed sad tears.


After a long period of time, the war finally ended.

The lord moved by the girl's tenderness inherited her will and became a kind-hearted person. He built a facility called "Hospitals" to help people suffering from injuries and illnesses.

With the help of the knight, the hospital has saved many lives since then.


As the stars shifted, the girl's name "Ursila" gradually became the name of the saint sent by the goddess, and was passed down from generation to generation. It is said that the white wolves who once guarded her still live on this land, watching the people here.

★Easy dessert specials! ★

With the support of readers who purchased this magazine, this magazine, which is issued in small quantities as a quarterly magazine, has ushered in the memorable 10th anniversary of its founding.

Well, this special is a simple dessert.

We will introduce you to the delicious [Homemade Egg Pudding] that can be easily used by children and the elderly.

Please make it happily with your family.


1. Mix 2 cups of water with sugar and boil it into caramel syrup.
2. Mix and boil the milk and vanilla beans, pour into the egg liquid and caramel syrup and stir evenly to make the pudding embryo base.
3. Pour the caramel syrup and the pudding base into the buttered pudding mold and bake for a while.
4. After cooling, remove the mold and the pudding is complete.
★If you use the honey produced in Almorika Village instead of sugar, the taste will be smoother.


Enjoy the fun that can only be experienced when you make it yourself.

Rainbow Theater... The residents of Crossbell must be aware of it.

Since the inauguration of the theater on the corner of the entertainment street in Clos Bell, the Rainbow Theater has drawn the citizens of Clos Bell into a frenetic whirlpool countless times. Not only does it have a large number of fans in the autonomous prefecture, it is also well-known in neighboring countries.

The people who stand on the stage of the Rainbow Theatre are called "artists", and they use their physical fitness to the extreme to create a splendid performance.

When it comes to artists, I have to mention Ilia Pratière.

Ilia Pratière is known as the most outstanding superstar in the history of the Rainbow Theatre. Her physical fitness that is also outstanding among "artists" is impeccable.

The most important thing is her overwhelming sense of presence that can completely dominate the atmosphere of the entire venue when she stands on the stage.

The atmosphere in which the stage and the auditorium seem to blend together can only be experienced by people watching the performance. This is the chemical reaction that only Ilia can trigger.

The new performance "Golden Sun, Silver Moon" released this year is rumored to use heavyweight rookies.

The future trends of the Rainbow Theatre also seem to be worthy of attention.


Preface to learn the heroic appearance of beauties

1. Ereponia Empire <Leanna Sandrot>
~The Valkyrie who leads the cavalry on the battlefield~

2. Kalvard Republic <Hina Delk>
~Contributors behind the democratic revolution~

3. Liber Kingdom <Alyssia Il World>
~From the Hundred Days Campaign to the conclusion of the non-aggression treaty~


The so-called "beauty", as the name suggests, is a word to describe a beautiful person.

In most occasions, this term is used for women with dignified looks and can attract the attention of others. However, the interpretation of this in this book is slightly different from what is commonly used.

The beauty in this book refers to "women with beautiful ways of living."

The way of life of "beauties" who follow their own beliefs and high responsibility is more overwhelming and attractive than simply being attractive. Looking back on their history and achievements, we should also be able to obtain effective enlightenment to gain a foothold on this continent where outstanding women are born.


One catalog one

Prologue: Whoever can dominate for five minutes can dominate life

1. How to effectively use the remaining five minutes
Why there is time left
What can be done in only five minutes?
How to use the remaining five minutes

2. Efficient use of the remaining five minutes
For study, or for rest


Housework and leisure...All human actions will be restricted by time.

"If you have more time, you can do more." Everyone should have thought about it before.

But think about it. Time is equal to everyone... However, how many people around will have a work or study completion level that is significantly higher than others, right?

Time is not "original", but "created".

The so-called people who are good at creating time are those who are good at using the short time of five minutes without letting it go to waste.


To all those who love railways-allow me to extend my sincerest thanks to you for holding this book.

The long transcontinental railway has been built for more than 20 years. It opened the door for us to travel to large countries such as the Erebonian Empire or the Kalvard Republic.

Nowadays, railways have become an indispensable and important means of transportation in our lives.

And with the popularization of railways, there has also been a group that is developing slowly... but steadily expanding its number.

——Yes, that's us "railway madmen".

Railroad madman is a general term that refers to those who love the appearance of trains that have become more refined in the years of use, those who enjoy travel while experiencing the feeling of riding, and the trains that have been carefully calculated by the operating company. A person who was moved by the timetable and paid tribute to it.

This book will teach railroad beginners who have just become railroad madman the experience accumulated over the years and teach you the correct way to enjoy railroad.

You will definitely find a method that suits you...Don't be confused and resisted by your initiating mood, please calm down and read slowly.

May your life always be accompanied by the brilliance of the railway.


[Marko and the Witch of Yousen·Part 1] by Xun Yarnham

A long, long time ago... There was a boy named Marko who lived in a certain village. Marko's father was an adventurer, and when he returned to the village, he would tell him many stories about where he went.
Marko respected his father very much, and told the other children in the village the story his father had told him. The adventure story is full of charm for the children living in the village, and everyone likes Marko's story very much.

One day, Marko began to tell the story again.

"Today, let's tell the story of the "witch" that Dad met."

There is a large forest to the north of the village where Marko lives. Legend has it that a "witch" lives in it.

Marko's father told him that he had met the witch.
The children who listened to the story were full of imagination. They fantasized about the costumes worn by the witch and the powerful magic used by the witch.

Then they asked Marko one after another, and Marko triumphantly answered. At this time, a young man spoke intentionally.

"Anyway, your stories are deceptive."

The name of the talking boy is Long, a well-known troublemaker. He is always critical of Marko's story.

The adventurous story of the beloved father was sent back by a "liar", which made Marko angry.

"My dad can't lie!"

"If it is true, then bring the witch to have a look."

Long smiled defiantly, and Marco grabbed him angrily. The surrounding children also made a fuss, and when it was about to be out of control, the adults in the village stepped forward to stabilize the situation.

However, until the afternoon or even the night, Marko's anger could not be calmed down.

It was night, Marko remembered the story of the witch that day, and made a secret decision. He couldn't stand his favorite father being called a liar.

He put on the torn coat his father had left at home, stuffed a large piece of bread into his backpack, and rushed out of the house immediately.

"I'm going to bring the witch with me, so Long will be caught off guard!"

With the adventurous heart inherited from his father, Marco ran towards the forest in the middle of the night.

——The forest in the middle of the night is creepy.

The wind moved the trees and made a rustling noise. The roar of the beast came from afar from time to time, and Marco couldn't help trembling all over.

According to her father, the witch owned a hut somewhere in this forest, but Marko turned around and couldn't find a similar house. At first, he was full of energy, and gradually became tired, and his feet became weaker and weaker. Finally, he finally lost his way.

"Is there really a witch..."

Marko, who was lost in his way and exhausted physically and mentally, couldn't help but arouse this idea.

"……what happened to you?"

The sudden voice surprised Marko. He turned to the direction of the sound in a panic, and saw a girl in a black robe standing in the empty place just now.

She looked the same age as Marko, but she didn't look like a child in the village.

"You, who are you...?"

Marko asked the girl. She wandering in the forest late at night made him feel a little unusual.

"...My name is Yana. I am a witch who lives in this forest."


[Marko and the Witch of Yousen·Central] by Xiun Yarnham

The girl who called herself Yana came to her home with the tired Marko. Her home was built on the road that Marko had gone back and forth many times when he was lost, but Marko never noticed it, which made him feel very incredible.

"It is usually hidden by magic."

Yana spoke of course, and then handed Marko a bowl of hot soup.

Marko left her who had to answer questions and started to look around in the house. The beautiful crystal ball on the table always reflects the village where Marko lives, and there are many books written in languages that have never been seen on the shelves. The liquid boiling in the pot showed an incredible color, and it was gurgling bubbling. Everything is exactly the same as the house of the witch that Marko's father told him.

"I ask you, Yana, do you know my dad?"

Faced with this sudden problem, the young witch nodded.

"Ten years ago, your father saved me from Warcraft."

"I asked him to drink soup to express my gratitude, and he was very proud to talk about you who was just born."

Yana's posture in telling the past seemed a bit uncoordinated to Marko, but he immediately convinced himself with the reason that "the witch must never grow old".

And, since you know yourself, it's easy to say-Marko asked her to go back to the village with him.

Marko tells Yana that he wants to take her to see Long to prove that his father's adventures are real.

However, Yana shook her head.

"I was feared and squeezed out."

"So, I don't like to show up in front of people."

There seemed to be a trace of loneliness in Yana's words. Marco vaguely felt that he understood her reason for living alone in this forest.

So Marko gave up the idea of bringing the witch back to the village. His change made Yana feel a little disappointed.

——She thought Marco would not give in so easily.

"Although I can't stop Long's mouth, I know that Dad didn't lie to me."

In short, Marco was overwhelmed by his personal confirmation of the existence of the witch. Yana laughed when she heard these words.

——Marko asked Yana about the way back to the village. After agreeing to see her again, he left the Witch's House. The joy of having a demon's girlfriend made Marko jump up on his way home.

After a while, he finally returned to the village, but found that several villagers were walking in the middle of the night. Marko felt that they must be looking for himself who ran into the forest, and his face suddenly turned pale. Fearing to make the adults angry, he secretly hid in the grass.

"...Hey, is there?"

"No, nowhere."

Marko was hesitating how to apologize to those who care about him, but he heard the voices of the villagers.

"Where are Marco and Ron..."

——Long? Hearing this unexpected name, Marco subconsciously jumped out of the grass. The sudden appearance of him shocked the villagers. Scolding and relieved sighs followed one after another. After knowing that Marko was acting alone, the expressions of the villagers darkened again.

"In the end what happened?"

The adults winked at each other and answered Marko's question.

"It looks like Takaya ran into the forest alone...!"


[Marko and the Witch of Yusen. Bottom] by Xiun Yarnham

When he came back to his senses, Marko had already darted to the forest again. The adults prevented him from screaming from behind, but Marko ignored it.

If a person stays in the forest late at night, Ryu will definitely feel very upset like he was just now. Although I don't know why Long entered the forest, Marko fidgeted when he thought of this.

"By the way, go find Yana."

She is a witch, and she must be able to find the location of Long.

Marco followed the path and ran towards Yana's cabin. Suddenly, a sharp cry of beasts came from his ears.

He tremblingly approached the place where the sound was made, and saw...Long was being attacked by a huge monster.

"Stop, stop! Don't come here!"

Long waved the stick with a blue face, but Warcraft didn't care about it. It approached Long step by step, to treat him as a good meal.
Then, Warcraft rushed towards Long Fei! Marco didn't have the time to think about it and rushed out, shouting Long's name, blocking him. Seeing the sharp teeth of the approaching monster, Marko closed his eyes.

After a sudden loud noise, the surroundings became quiet.

Marko opened his eyes cautiously and saw...

Warcraft froze in place with his mouth wide open. Then, sharp teeth fell with a cracking sound. Warcraft looked blank and ran away quickly. Marko was stunned, and then he noticed that there was a transparent protective wall between the place where the monster was standing and himself. It was this protective wall that blocked the fangs of Warcraft.

"You are really reckless."

Long screamed in disregard of his image when he heard the voice suddenly rang behind him.

There stood an old woman in a black robe.


Long froze in horror. When Marco saw the old woman in the familiar robe looking at him, he immediately noticed her real body.

This old woman was turned into by Yana's magic. Yana probably wanted to go to the village like a "witch" as much as possible and fulfill Marko's wish. He clearly said that he didn't like to show up in front of people... Yana's gentleness made Marko feel happy for a while.

Seeing Rong stiff all over, Yana learned that the strategy had been successful, and she laughed like an old woman.

"Hehehe...Be careful when you enter the forest in the future..."

She continued to pretend to be a witch and walked towards the depths of the forest. Looking at her back, Marco said thank you.

——As soon as Yana left, the surroundings fell silent again. Marko asked Long who was still in a daze.

"...Why are you going into the forest?"

"Because I heard you went into the forest..."

"If you were surprised because I said, "The witch does not exist," how can I sleep well?"

Long replied rudely, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"...However, witches really exist."

"I'm so sorry to say that you lied."

After hearing Long's apology, Marco forgave him and told him that he was no longer angry.

Then they returned to the village side by side. After returning to the village, Marco and Long were severely taught by the adults. Although eating fists that made people cry in pain, both of them smiled happily.

——A few days later, the children gathered in the village square. Marko began to tell the adventure story of his father again.

"Then, today... let's tell the story of Dad going to the east maze to explore."

Long also was among the children who were excited to listen to the story. Marko told the story triumphantly, and at the same time thanked the young witch Yana very much for bringing new friends to herself.

Over the weekend, he plans to take the classic stories his father told him to Yana's house as a guest. It would be nice if she could hear it happily
——Marco thought so.

【About the Order】

My name is Joachim Joanta, and I am a cadre priest who belongs to the "D∴G Order". Eight years ago, under the joint efforts of the Guerrilla Association and many other forces, our cult was destroyed.

In that disaster, I was the only one who avoided the disaster for some reason and came to this place of origin. This must be the great "D" in order to guide me to fulfill the ambitions I taught, and let me survive.

That moment will finally come-in order to keep the materials used to write the new era sacred scriptures, I, the last survivor, need to record some far-reaching information on these terminals for future generations to check.

So, the first thing I want to talk about is the origin of my teaching. Regarding this, we must trace the sacred but also infinitely dark history of this continent of Semuria.

——About 1,200 years ago, the catastrophe called "The Great Destruction" made the mainland lose its high degree of civilization and order, and the dark era dominated by war and poverty has arrived. Then, in the tide of the times, the extremely exhausted people made a terrible mistake: they were bewitched with sweet words by the fools who suddenly appeared, and they accepted the order they established with lies and deceit. That is-the stupid Qiyao Church and the "Goddess of Sky" that represents their faith and symbol. Although inspired by the name "Goddess of the Sky", the uneasiness of the Dark Ages has been stabilized, but since then, false beliefs have spread widely in the mainland. People bid farewell to material poverty, but completely sacrificed their souls. Gave hypocrisy.

I really hope that those who have been deceived can think about the most basic question: if the "goddess" depicted by the Qiyao Church really exists and is really so great and compassionate, then salvation should come to this place indiscriminately. Everyone on the earth, everyone should get equal relief. Isn't it?

However, class oppression is still everywhere, and disasters and misfortunes continue to follow.

Could it be said that the salvation of the "goddess" is selective? This is too stupid and ridiculous, right? Therefore, Qiyao Church only created an overstatement under the drive of power and desire. "Goddess of Sora" Eddess is a virtual image that doesn't exist at all.

In that deceived era, the prophets I taught embarked on a long journey in order to meet the "True God". When they came to this sacred place with the bells of the Middle Ages, they finally found an eternal sleeping existence with great power in the depths of this land!

"D"-it is called so!

【About "G"】

Then I want to talk about the path to the truth explained by my teaching, which is the holy medicine named "G".

The full name of "G" is "Gnosis", and it is a holy medicine made from the legendary plant-"Plenty Grass" that blooms on the Qiyao Vein. The blending method has been passed down along with the existence of "D". Taking this medicine can enhance the human body's ability and sensitivity, and then can stimulate the potential and possess it.

However, these appearances are nothing more than preparations. The true power and effect of this medicine lies elsewhere.

"G" is not as simple as those who have not prescribed it, it is a sacred medicine that can connect the spirit of the user and the imperial heart of "D" into one. And "D" possesses the nature of accumulating knowledge in a unified way and making it grow. When that knowledge reaches "wisdom" one day, "D" will wake up.

However, "G" has huge room for improvement. If the user's ability and spirit are brought to the limit, it can provide "D" with more knowledge through the transmission function of "G".

During the long five hundred years after that, our cult has devoted itself to researching higher-efficiency "G", and repeated various commonly called "rituals". In this way, during repeated tests, our Order has perfected the Holy Medicine at a speed that was unmatched when it started five hundred years ago. In the past few decades, "G" has been nearly completed. But just one step away, a fatal miscalculation occurred. Due to the large scale of our experiment, the guerrillas and other forces were aware of our existence, which ultimately led to the destruction of our entire cult. I have to say that this is indeed too stupid... This sacrifice is still necessary.

After that, I sneaked back into the ruins of various destroyed strongholds, recovered all the experimental data, and came to the origin of Crossbel. Because the important material for making "G"-"Plenty Grass" grows wild on the wetlands in the south of Clos Bell, and on the other hand, there are also many medieval alchemists in the depths of this "Village of the Sun". Research facilities are equipped with many high-end equipment.

In this way, I was given a unique research environment, and through long-term secret efforts, I finally successfully completed the production of the Holy Medicine.

【About Shenzi】

This Crossbell is not only the birthplace of our "D∴G Order", but also regarded as the lost holy land. The reason is that this place was inherited from the ancestor as the "son of God".

The so-called "son of God" is a symbolic existence in our "D∴G Order" as the basis for the existence of the "True God".

The "God Child" who has been sleeping for a long time under the "Village of the Sun", although at first glance she is just an ordinary human girl, but she has fallen asleep in the sacred cradle underground of the "Village of the Sun" for five years. Hundreds of years, and have been waiting for the moment of awakening. Human beings can live forever and sleep for such a long time. It must be unbelievable for people in the world, right?

However, I did witness it with my own eyes: in the sphere named "sacred cradle", the girl who sleeps forever like a slumber-her sacred posture.

And that "sacred cradle" was created by the ancestors of the Order based on the skills of medieval alchemists who studied "ancient relics" at that time. Since this miraculous phenomenon can also be achieved, what else can make people feel incredible?

The ancestors of the Order left behind many ancient books about "God Sons", which record the source theory of various experiments that I taught: It is generally believed that knowledge can be boarded infinitely in "Gnosis" by taking "Gnosis". God’s body continues to grow.

——" "The Son of God" who arrives at "Wisdom" will eventually awaken and become the true God "D". At that time, all human will and souls will gather where "D" is. Then, people will be able to learn from the "Goddess" Freed from the curse of "."

This is the prophecy left by the ancestors of our "D∴G Order", and it is also a long-cherished wish that must be fulfilled!

Joachim Joanta

·Document summary
In recent days, infringements of specific monsters have occurred in many areas of the Krossberg Autonomous Prefecture.
In order to find out the incident, the security team has launched an investigation.

The violations occurred in three locations. It is currently suspected to be related to some kind of "wolf-shaped monster".

The detailed survey content is described below.

① Almorica Village
Time of occurrence: late at night three weeks ago
Location: all areas of the village
Victimization: According to the village chief, the time of detection of the incident was the next morning. Late at night the previous day, all the crops in the village were destroyed and livestock were attacked.
Witness information: None (all villagers have gone to bed)
Traces: Footprints of canine animals have been found everywhere in the village. After searching in the surrounding area, the same trace was not found.


②St. Ursula Medical University
Time of occurrence: late at night a week ago
Venue: In the hospital premises
Victimization: Swarms of monsters invaded, and an intern was attacked and injured. It was discovered by hospital staff the next morning.
Witnessing intelligence: The victim witnessed a creature resembling a black wolf in the shape of a black wolf.
Traces: No traces were found near the scene. Because the testimony is a bit ambiguous, the victim may also misunderstand it.


③ Mine Town Mainz
Occurrence time: about ten o'clock in the evening two days ago
Place: In front of the pub
Victimization: At night, a miner who came out of the tavern and was about to go home was attacked and injured by a group of monsters, and was later discovered by other miners who rushed to the scene.
Witnessing intelligence: The residents of the town witnessed the escaped wolf.
Traces: A large number of footprints were found near the site, similar to those found in Almorica Village.


※In addition, damage to mining machinery has also occurred.
A total of three violations have occurred in this town, and regular security and patrols will be necessary in the future.

"Certified Vehicles"
Vehicles with the following license plates are allowed to park at the exit of Closberg.

·The parking fee is 500 meters per day
·If you park without permission, the owner will be fined.

CZ 3323
LA 5828
EW 8901
RF 1533
VE 4310
EW 8200
CD 4633
ED 0028
ES 4521
CL 1101

Recently, we have learned that incredible large-scale monsters (hereinafter referred to as "Eudemons") have appeared in various parts of the Closbell Autonomous Prefecture.

In addition, we still only confirmed the existence of Huanshou, but did not launch any specific actions.
For detailed information about each Eudemons, please refer to the attached page.


Event A: Ursula
『Place of appearance』
Ursula Middle Road·Shoal/Exit of a small hole inside

The appearance is similar to a tortoise.

"The situation at the time of discovery"
It was discovered by guards who were patrolling.
After a period of observation, Eudemons didn't seem to have any intention of leaving where they were, so they decided to put it aside for the time being.
But once close to the target, Eudemons will threaten.


Incident B: East Cross Bell Street
『Place of appearance』
East Crossbell Street·Outside/In front of the Ferry Lodge.

A plant-like monster with a huge mouth.

"The situation at the time of discovery"
The residents of the harbor hut found that the security team has not yet confirmed.
Like Event A, Eudemons has no plans to leave its location.
In addition, the same is true for intimidating once approached.