Trails in the Sky SC-Story Guide

This guide is organized and provided by the following members:

  • A Lan Ling & Ye
  • B
  • C

This guide refers to the following strategies:

Internal expandable frame switch:

1. This guide is based on inheriting FC perfect archive
Inheritance method: copy and paste the last BP368 archive into the SAVE folder under the game root directory
2. This work started to joinFishing manual, All areas with ripples on the water areFishing spot
3. In this work, Angel Sheep Bobo no longer appears alone on the map
Instead, several fixed monsters appear randomly in different regions, which will be specifically mentioned in the process strategy.
4. This guide is not applicable to PSP version

Prologue Girl's Resolution

After the plot, go to the left platform of the Royal City Sky Garden to trigger the plot. After the plot, return to Llorente, then you can chat with the people in the city.
Then return to Estiel’s house and go to Joshua’s room to trigger the plot and start the prologue

Main task: comprehensive intensive training

the term:-
Strategy: 1) After the plot, go to the bed in the second floor room to get equipment, and investigate after going downstairsYanilasThe chair next to it triggers the plot and gets a new tactical force guide, various attribute flares and FC clearance rewards——Mechanical gloves, holy medicine, native dolls, lucky circuit
2) With the administratorPhyllisConversation gainCookbookAnd learn to cook:The blessed water of nature, Do a few to restore HP,
Liberl news】Can be purchased from Phyllis"Liber Communication No. 1"(No reward for collection).
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Lu Lock Training Ground Dormitory:
Nature's Blessed Water HP500, the battle cannot be cancelled
Vanilla Sandwich HP700 Poison Elimination
Bastal Waterway:
Surprise Cookie STR500
3) With maintenance technicianRobertDialogue, synthesize some basic loops, suggest toEstirAn HP1,YanilasOne attack 1.

4) Leave the dormitory when you are ready, go to the south exit andCruzDialogue, and then proceed to the Bastar waterway.

5) Go forward and enter the teaching level. It is recommended to review again.
The A switch in the figure controls two bridges by shaking left and right, and the other switches only control one bridge or the water level rise and fall. Go to the room on the right to get equipment.
The switch marked "Water" in the picture controls the water level. The hidden passages and treasure chests can only be seen after the water level drops.
Check the equipment before the recovery point and save it, then move forward to trigger a BOSS battle.

Boss battle

How to play: Aboriginal puppets or stand-in puppets can choose to equip them. The BOSS has a 20% chance to kill with one hit.

Obtain the circuit after the war:Sky Eye

6) After returning to the dormitoryEstirUpgrade and install the first hole of the force guideSky Eye, And then go back to the room to sleep.
Options after the plot: [Get up right away] BP+3.
7) andYanilasGo downstairs to trigger a plot war, the battle wins BP+3
Post-war plot options: [The incoming hunting regiment】BP+3

8) After the plot, you can get five in the tent at the beginningChinese medicineAnd two EP filler I (You can also rest and reply here).
Afterwards, retrieve the equipment from various places in the forest of St. Croix and try to avoid fighting before the equipment is recovered.
PS: The companion monsters of Angel Sheep Bobo in the Forest of St. Colova: Lightning Thorn Beast (6), Claw Cat (1)
The angel sheep in this work can also be dealt with with offensive cooking, the incredible biscuit is powerful
9) BOSS at the end of the forest. Investigate the wooden sign on the left hand side of the map before the battle, and then move forward to trigger the BOSS battle.

Boss battle

How to play: The enemy must use combat skills to interrupt when singing magic, and be careful not to be interrupted by the enemy when using recovery magic.

10) Return to the training dormitory after the war and investigate the following five locations on the first floor: blood on the ground, broken spear, communication machine behind the counter in the workshop, wooden barrel behind the food counter, map in the upper left corner of the room, broken glass window . Plot options: [Moved to a new base] BP+3.
Card Technician Jack】At this time, go to the room on the far right side of the second floor that you could not enter, and get on the bed:"Card Technician Jack Volume 1"(After the collection is complete, you can exchange the raw materials for the final weapon in Chapter 8).
11) Then go to Grimsel Little Fortress.

Just press the map and it will trigger a plot war when it is almost 2F. After arriving in a dark room, go to the right room to getNight Vision Glasses, The character on the equipment will not fall into darkness when entering the battle in the dark.
12) 4F triggers BOSS battle, plot options: [No need to contact] BP+2.

Boss battle

How to play: Close to the BOSS, he will hit people far away, using magic to be easily attacked by special effects, causing more than 1000 damage at a time, and it is safer to keep more than 1500 HP as much as possible.

The post-war plot, the prologue ends.
13) At this time, the guerrilla level has been upgraded to G+ level, and he will get bonus accessories:Silver pendant
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+14 bonus:500 mils

This chapter all BP 16
Card technician 1

Chapter One Sneaking White Shadow

Choose action partner after the plot:AgatorShera, Novice players are recommended to chooseAgat. This guide choosesShera.
Go to the airshipping ticket office to get the ticket and talk to the receptionist to choose [Check-in】set off.
Liberl news】You can buy it in the airport terminal"Liber Communication No. 2".
fishing】On the top of the airship withRoydDialogue, getFishing manual and fishing rod.
After talking to everyone on the flying boat, switch the scene again to trigger the plot.
After arriving in Lu'an, go to the association to confirm the side mission on the bulletin board. Then go around in Lu'an, buy equipment and so on.

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Akrosa Crew Bar in the South Block:
Sea Breeze Tongxin Soup Noodles (Large Plate) HP1000 for all staff
Grilled salmon belly HP1800
Lavantar, North Block Game Bar:
Arthuria’s Kiss HP1500 The battle cannot be dismissed
Card Technician Jack】Gambling halls in North District exchange for chips"Card Technician Jack Vol. 2"
fishing】Can still be exchanged in the casinoFishing Rod·Sea Breeze Star.
There is a fishing spot to the west of the North Gate of the North Street District, and you must go east from the stairs.
There is a fishing spot next to the crane in the warehouse area of the South Street District.

Main mission: Baiying's investigation (1)

the term:-
Strategy: Since the branch lines are not in Lu'an city, the main line is investigated first.
fishing】When crossing the bridge to the southern districtRoydDialogue, get bait:Sea Cucumber X5, Turn onFishing system.
1) Go to the warehouse on the east side of the southern zone to trigger a plot war. When the enemy's HP is low, it will launch a combat maneuver with a deadly effect, and you must fight quickly.
2) After the war, go to the south to look for the houses near the exit of Ayina StreetBelf.
3) From the South Exit, go to Al Leiden Pass through Ayina Street.
In the room at the end of the gate withCaptain HahnTalk to the soldiers in front of the second waterfallKnicksDialogue, then go downstairs to trigger the plot
fishingThere is a waterfall on the second floor of Al Leiden PassFishing spot
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Al Leiden Canteen:Shiogama Crustacean HP1100 DEF+10%

4) After the investigation, go back to Lu'an and buy it at the weapon shopSilver earrings, Will be used in later combat.
5) From the North Exit to the Marcia Orphanage via Meiwei Haidao to trigger the plot.
PS: Talk to the chickens in the yard to get fresh eggs.
Then go to the windmill in Manoria Village to trigger the plot.
fishingThere is one in Manoria VillageFishing spot.
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
The White Mulian Pavilion in Manoria Village:
Charm seafood skewers (big plate) all HP600 CP20
Fresh seafood "bubble" HP2100 breathless release
Miso Stewed Fish HP1400 Sealing Technology Released
After returning to the orphanageKevinAfter joining the team, you can explore the Meiwei Seaway.
The knight's carapace on the beach of the sea has a chance to drop the circuit:Avoid 2
The Badger Pig and the Dodo in the Street View Forest Road randomly carry Panda Monsters, and they have a chance to drop Estir’s current strongest weapon:Clothes rail
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:BP+3 bonus:5000 mila

Side task: collect ingredients

the term:-
Strategy: In the second floor room of the White Mulian Pavilion Hotel in Manoria Village andOvidTalk to the task, and then collect the following six ingredients:
Warcraft roe Most Warcraft on Mayway Seaway
Fang of Warcraft Street view of Lindau & the big wild boar in Ainas Street
Warcraft bird meat Street view of Lindau & Dodo in Ainas Street
Warcraft Bird Egg Street view of Lindau & Dodo in Ainas Street
Horn of Warcraft The armored cancer in the cyan tower (the monster will rebound physically)
Bone of Warcraft The dappled seahorse in the cyan tower
Find all six types of BP+1 and do it later.
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+1, +1000 mila,Warcraft Wing X20 bonus:1500 mira

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Meiwei Haidao

the term:-
Strategy: The enemy's physical defense is very high, using magic attacks as the main means.
PS: The companion of Angel Sheep Bobo in Meiwei Haidao: Slug (6), Beach Beetle (1)
fishing] Meiwei Haidao leads to Street Jinglin Road section, down to the beach, sticking to the south and heading towards Lu’an to the end.Fishing spot. Only here can catchEmperor Swordfish
There is a section in the middle of the Meiwei Sea RoadFishing spot.

remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward: bonus:2500 mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Street View Forest Road

the term:-
Strategy: Pay attention to wearing silver earrings to prevent viruses, it is not difficult.

remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward: bonus:1500 mira

Back to Luan,KevinLeave the team.
PS: If you are short of money at this time, you canKevinHe unloaded his bow and sold it after he left the team.
Side Quest: Photo shooting of the Green Tower (1)

the term:-
Strategy: Go to the room on the first floor of Bronsey Hotel in Luan to pick up the task. WaitDolosiAfter joining, go to complete BP+2.
remuneration:Basic BP:1 reward:BP+2,+1000 Mira,Moon glasses bonus:2000 Mila

Main mission: Baiying's investigation (2)

the term:-
Strategy: Return to the Guerrillas Association report to trigger the plot, dialogue options: [The direction that Bai Ying left】BP+3,OlivierJoin the team,Dolosifollow.
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:BP+3 bonus:5000 mila

There were many side tasks on the bulletin board. Solve them first before going to Wangli College.

Side task: Lecturer at Sunday School

Deadline: Before entering the Jeanne Royal College
Strategy: Go to the chapel and nuns east of LuanFridaDialogue accept task
The answers to the tasks are:
②Maintain regional peace and protect people
① There are 7 levels from G to A
③About 50 years ago
③Non-interference in state power
②Priority to protect private individuals
②The condition is that they must be 16 years old or older
③Pay attention to the client’s intention
②A unit of the Kingdom Army
②The second item of the Association Rules
③Full length 42 sub-moments
All correct BP+2
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+2,+1000 Mira bonus:1000 Mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in the streets of Aina

Deadline: Before entering the Jeanne Royal College
Strategy: Warcraft is at the bifurcation to the Green Tower.
The three linen sword beasts have high magic defenses, their attacks are breathless, and they wear feather brooches before the battle.
Before dying, attack and speed will be added to the companion, pay attention to protectionDolosi.
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward: bonus:3000 m

The photo shoot of Cyanbi Tower (2)

the term:-
Strategy:DolosiWhen in the team, go to the tower of cyan to complete the task, BP+2
PS1: The armored crab will physically bounce back and drop the horns of the monster, and the brindle seahorse will drop the bones of the monster.
PS2: The companion monsters of Angel Sheep Bobo in the Tower of Cyan Bi: Striped Seahorse (6), Peppermint Bobo (1)
fishing】The 5th floor middle fountain hasFishing spot.

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Four Treasure Chests in the Tower of Cyanbi:Dangerous Meatballs STR600
At the top of the tower, select in turn: [Shoot from here】, 【Please dorosi] Trigger the plot.
If all the treasure chests and ingredients are collected, you can choose: [Return to Luan immediately】, then go back to the hotel to findCenterHand in tasks.
remuneration:Basic BP:1 reward:BP+2,+1000 Mira,Moon glasses bonus:2000 Mila

Side mission (hidden): commissioning of the lighthouse

the term:-

Go to the Barenno Lighthouse, with the topOld FocottDialogue, choice: [What's matter?] Trigger hidden tasks.
Investigate the books on the shelf to familiarize yourself with the startup method:
1. Set the horizontal wing and guide pressure to LOW
2. Set the power director start switch to ON
3. Set the guide pressure to MID
4. Set the horizontal wing to MID
5. Set the guiding pressure to HIGH
6. Set the horizontal wing to HIGH
7. Crystal circuit connection is set to ON
Get bait after completion:Sea Cucumber X5, Shrimp X5
fishing】There areFishing spot.
Before leaving withOld FocottDialogue, choice: [Is there anything else?】BP+1
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+1 bonus:1500 mira

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft on Mount Guroni

Deadline: Before entering the Jeanne Royal College

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Guroni Mountain Road (Lu'an part) treasure chest:Wine and delicacy "Bo Hong Shi Li" HP1500 breathlessness, sleep, petrification relief
The Warcraft is on the fork in the road close to the gate. Two Emperor Poisonous Scorpions have full-screen skills and attack with poison. Remember to wear them before the battle.Silver earrings.
PS: There is a recovery device in Guluoni Peak.
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward: bonus:2000 Mila

Back to the Lu'an Association report, the previous tasks were perfectly completed, at this time the guerrilla level was upgraded to F, and the reward circuit was obtained:absorb.
After finishing the equipment and circuit, go to the Royal Academy. (Note that you cannot return to Luan after entering the academy until the end of this chapter)

Main mission: Baiying's investigation (3)

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Enter the college to trigger the plot,KorosJoin the team.
2) In the reference room andHansDialogue with on the stage of the auditoriumKorosdialogue.
3) Then go to the following locations to investigate:
Humanities classroom on the 1F of the main building of the schoolMick
2F of the main building of the schoolBartom
Female dormitory 2FFraserwithLena
【Cooking Manual】Cooks available at this time:
Student Canteen on the 1F of the Royal College Club Building:
Miss cooking (big plate) HP1500 for all members, the battle cannot be cancelled
Hot Fried Taro HP400 Freeze Release
Royal Ice Cream HP1700 Sleep Release
3) After the investigation, return to the 2F Student Union of the Club Building to trigger the plot. After going to the old school building, the card of the strange thief was found at the door of the old school building. Follow a sequence
Investigation: Go up the middle staircase to the lamp holder on the right hand side, the south-facing desk in the first classroom on the left of 1F, and the fallen flower bed in the courtyard on the right of 2F to obtain the ancient key.

4) Open the locked door in the corridor on the right on the 1st floor, investigate the dragon statue and enter the underground ruins.
After entering, it triggers a plot war. The enemy’s blood-sucking attack is terrifying, pay attention to protectionDolosi.
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in the underground ruins of the old school building: Raging Spider (1)

5) Keep going after the battle. The monsters here are relatively powerful, and some range magic is recommended.
6) The end of the maze triggers a BOSS battle, make good use ofKorosOf fighting spirit and ensuring a reply,OlivierResponsible for magic attacks, and physical output of the rest.
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:BP+3 bonus:5000 mila

In the post-war plot, the main line of the first chapter ends here, and then go to complete two side missions before setting off.

Side mission (hidden): The wounding incident of the election office

Deadline: Before leaving Luan
Strategy: In the basement room of the Bransea Hotel andNairwithDolosiDialogue, then go upstairs to trigger the plot, select [Yes】Trigger hidden task
1) Ask about the stairs in the basement of the hotelBelfAbout Kunz】Get clues【pissed off
2) Ask about the 2F of the hotelKunzAbout Kunz】Get clues【sound】,ask【pissed off】Get clues【About Helio
3) Ask at the hotel's 1F counterYanestAll the clues obtained will trigger the plot when going downstairs
4) Ask again after the plotYanestAbout Helio】Get clues【lunch
5) Ask outside the hotel in the basementElder Muradlunch】Get clues【Bells】, then ask 【sound】, ask again【Bells
6) AskYanestBells】Get clues【Clean up
7) Ask about the 2F of the hotelEveryonelunch】, 【Bells】, 【Clean up
8) AskBelflunch】, 【Clean up
9) AskElder MuradClean up】, 【lunch
10) AskBelfClean up】Get clues【About Belf】, ask again【About Belf
11) Go back to the hotel 1F to find a teammate report, answer and choose【Belf】, 【Proven fact】, 【Proven fact】, 【Contradictory testimony
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:5000 mila

Side task: Urgently hire a licensing technician

Deadline: Before leaving Luan
Strategy: In the game bar, next to the stairs on the 1F Laventar andLacosuDialogue to accept the task.
If you choose the wrong one, you will fail, depending on your teammate's options.
SheraWhen in the team:
The first battle: only one pair is left to exchange cards-compare cards
Second battle: Both options are okay-surrender
The third round: exchange all but the spades
AgatWhen in the team:
First battle: Both options are ok-than
Second battle: Both options are okay-surrender
The third battle: all exchange
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward: bonus:2000 Mila

After completing the side missions, proceed to the apron to board the plane and enter the next chapter.

Main task in this chapter 1 Side task 9 Hidden task 1 Full BP value 38
Card technician 1
At this time, the perfect BP 54 guerrilla level is upgraded to F+ level, and the circuit is obtained:Yaomai

Chapter Two The Raging Land

Card Technician JackOn the airship andOlivierTwo conversations get:"Card Technician Jack Vol. 3"
After dialogue with all teammates, switch scenes to disembark and go to Chase Guerrilla Association to trigger the main storyline.

Main mission: "Earthquake" investigation (1)

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Go to Russell's house in the southwest corner to trigger the plot.
2) Go to the entrance of Carrudia Tunnel with workersRudyDialogue, BP+3
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+6 bonus:2000 Mila

After that, you can move freely in the city, purchase equipment and complete side missions.
Talk to the owner of Fogel’s Tavern and get:Bitter Tomato Sandwich
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Fogel Tavern:
Fruit Kingdom HP800 Poison, Darkness, Freeze Release
Bitter Tomato Sandwich (the best CP supplement in the mid-term) HP500 CP50
Bird Meat Lava Burning HP900 STR+20%
Puliam Beverage House in Gongfang District:
Cool Herbal Tea HP4500 Sealing Technique, Sealing Magic, Dispelling Chaos
Liberl news】At this time, you can buy it at Bell Grocery StoreLiber Communications No. 3

Side Quest: Stolen Signboard

the term:-
Strategy: With the AssociationMistyDialogue, select【About signboard] Take the task.
Then go to the following four investigations:
1. Behind the No. 1 guiding force clock near the east exit of Cai Si
2. Computer Capel Survey on the 5th Floor of the Central Workshop: Technology Overview-Kanban of the Guerrilla Association
3. Below the three side-by-side smoke pipes behind the Fogel Tavern
4. The basement of the central workshop, rooms with conveyor belts andFeidialogue.
The mission is completed after the plot
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:2000 Mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in the Carrudia Tunnel

the term:-

In the middle of the scene in the westernmost section of the Karudia Tunnel, four male giant whale frogs and one female giant whale frog attack poisonous and will summon their companion-the bamboo sword flying fish.
fishing】There is a bridge near the recovery point in the middle of the Kaludia tunnelFishing spot,This fishing spot can only be fished in this chapter! ! !
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward: bonus:3000 m

Side mission: special training to participate in invitation

the term:-

fishing】In front of Reston Fortress, there is one at the end of the narrow road on the rightFishing spot
Go to the Reston Fortress and start a three-game battle with the soldiers at the gate. This battle is not easy, please be prepared to come again.
The first two battles are mixed soldiers, and the thirdSidWhen playing, this person must interrupt when driving magic. It is recommended to leave some CP for interruption in the third gameSidMagic drive. Victory BP+2 in three games, get:Fighting soul hood
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:BP+2,+1500 Mira,Fighting soul hood bonus:2500 mila

Side mission: guided force gun test

the term:-
Strategy: The 3rd floor studio of the central workshop takes over the task
byOlivierequipmentZero guided force gun α Go to Torrant Plain Road to fight and win 15 times with BP+1. as long asOlivierequipmentForce gun α Yes, you can also use magic attacks in battle.
The combat manual will have a record of the first 10 times, and the next 5 times need to be counted by yourself.
Back to the studio on the 3rd floor of the central workshopGarunoThe report is completed and rewarded:Hit 3
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+1,+1000 Mira,Hit 3 bonus:2500 mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Torrant Plains

the term:-
Strategy: Warcraft is next to the Torrant Plains. Three big piranhas have weak wind and fire resistance. Attacks are accompanied by poison, darkness, chaos, and sleep.
Use the range technique to spread the four people before the battle.
PS: Bobo the Angel Sheep in the Plains of Torrant: Armored Rabbit (1)
fishing] The first map outside the Red Lotus Tower. There is a pool in the northeast cornerFishing spot
After leaving Almo Village, there is a pond next toFishing spot

remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:  bonus:3500 Mira

After playing this wanted monster, it is recommended to go to the Red Lotus Tower,
There are no side quests here, but there are quite a few good equipment in it. It is recommended to get it now and level up.
PS: The companion monsters of Angel Sheep Bobo in the Tower of Red Lotus: Hydra (6), Bobo Pumpkin (1)

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Red Lotus Tower 3F Treasure Box:Seafood jelly HP3600 sealing technology, sealing magic, chaos relief

Main mission: "Earthquake" investigation (2)

the term:-
Strategy: Go to Fort Volfer to the house on the west side andCaptain PaisDialogue, and then went to the following places to investigate:
1. With the gateBram,
2. Rest area on 2FHerning
3. Rest area 1FClerk
4. On the 2F of the house where the captain isGwen Deputy Captain
Again withCaptain PaisThe dialogue triggers the plot. After the plot, walk to the exit of the Volfer Fortress to trigger the plot, and then automatically move to the Saint-Hem Gate. Go to the entrance to the warehouse on the west side of the room next to the counter.Deputy Captain TarvatorDialogue, select【Both】BP+3
Up to the top city wall with soldiersChesleyTalk to the cafeteriaDemiAfter the dialogue, return to Chase after the plot.
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Canteen at the Gate of St. Heim:
Oriental Hot Pot·Li (Large Plate) All HP1800 CP35
Passion Egg Roll HP2200 Dark Release
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward: BP+6 bonus:2000 Mila

Go to the Guerrillas Association to receive the main task, requesting the installation of Qiyao pulse detectors in the Carrudia Tunnel, Reston Fortress and Torrant Plain Road.
Go ahead and do the side tasks first.

Side task: parts search

the term:-
Strategy: Talk to the power guide repairman on the first floor of the Central WorkshopEricDialogue, get 【Alloy detector] Then search for the following locations:
1) 3F studio: on the right side of the innermost table, in front of the tool rack on the right side of the house, in front of the corner installation
2) 4F Laboratory: Left of the luggage on the left side of the house, the innermost of the greenhouse, the table closest to the medicine rack, and next to the bookshelf
3) Anthony the kitten in the infirmary
[8 found all] BP+1, get reward:Warning bell
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+1,+1000 Mira,Warning bell bonus:2000 Mira

Side Quest: Repel the voyeurism

the term:-
Strategy: Go to Armore Hot Springs andGranny MaoDialogue takes over the task. Go to the women's hot spring to bathe and fill up the CP, and then start fighting.
At the beginning, the enemy is in an invincible state. Everyone casts auxiliary magic plus BUFF and waits for the enemy to merge before attacking.
fishingThere is a pool in the atrium of the Red Leaf Pavilion in Almo VillageFishing spot
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Red Leaf Pavilion in Almo Village:
Oriental Hot Pot·Mountain (big plate) HP3000 for all staff
Hanamaru Milk Cookies HP1600 Poison, Darkness, Freeze Release
Inland Delicacy "Quite" HP3300 Poison, Darkness, Freeze Release
remuneration:Basic BP:3  reward: bonus:2500 mila

Side Quest: The Wanted Beast in Torrant Plain ②

the term:-
Strategy: You can find it by walking along the left side from Almo Village. Six blood-sucking mosquitoes, can suck blood and use them wellTidaIt is recommended to concentrate firepower on the smoke screen.
After destroying the wanted monsters, drop by to the middle of Torrant Plain Road to install the first detector, there is a plot war.
Note that this battle is entered into the battle in a sneak attack state, pay attention to protect the characters with less HP, make good use ofTidaSmoke bombs.
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:3500 Mira

Main mission: "Earthquake" investigation (3)

the term:-
Going back to the Chase Urban Guerrilla Association report, if you had perfect BP before, you will be upgraded to E level and get the reward circuit:Petrified Blade.
After that, go to Reston fortress to set up a second detector, and you will inevitably encounter a wanted monster on the road.

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Military Road

the term:-
Strategy: Note that the bloodthirsty lion will suck blood, the others are ordinary monsters.
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:4500 Mila

Go to the gate of Reston Fortress andsoldierAfter talking, walk to the warning sign at the bridge head and place the detector.
Then return to Chase and go to the Carrudia Tunnel to place the third detector.
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+6 bonus:2000 Mila

Main task: Investigation of "Earthquake Source"

the term:-
Strategy: 1) After the detectors are all placed, return to the central studio 5F calculation room to trigger the plot, plot selection: [Almo Hot Springs] BP+2.
2) Then proceed to the Almo Hot Spring Village to investigate.
3) Open the gate to the north of Almo Hot Spring Village and enter the source of the hot spring.

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
The second picture treasure chest of hot spring source:Seven-color incredible jade STR700
PS: The hot springs near the most southern guide force vitality gun treasure chest on the map have the function of restoring HP and CP.
4) Enter the depths of the southeast to trigger a BOSS battle: the wind resistance is weak, and all attack skills will be used after being attacked
It is recommended to concentrate on fighting one by one
remuneration:Basic BP:6 reward:BP+2 bonus:5000 mila

After the battle is won, this chapter ends.
Don't worry about going to the airship ping, there is a side task to complete.

Side mission: search for lodging guests

Deadline: Before leaving Chase
Strategy: 1) Check the mission on the notice board of the association, and then go to the Zionrad Hotel andReceptionistDialogue to take the task
2) Then proceed to the stalactite cave in the Kaludia tunnel
fishing] Just entering the stalactite cave there is aFishing spot
In the deepest part, there is a place where the previous work took the Semelia MossFishing spot

PS: There is a huge penguin monster at the location marked "FC Cave Master", which can be swiped HP3.
3) InstallLily necklaceAfter waiting for the anti-chaos and sealing skills, enter the depths to trigger the BOSS battle: pay attention to protect it NPC.
4) Automatically return to Chase after victory, if you inherit the FC Perfect Archive, you will get the loop after completing the task:yin and yang, Recommended toKorosequipment.
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:yin and yang bonus:5000 mila

Main task in this chapter 2 Side task 10 Full BP value 54
Card technician 1
At this time, Perfect BP 108 was upgraded to E+ level, and the reward circuit was obtained:Mechanical

Chapter Three Chaotic Tea Party

Talk to all partners on the airship, andgoldTalk twice. After arriving at Grancell, first go around in the capital to update equipment.
Liberl news】You can buy it at Adel Department Store in East DistrictLiber Communications No. 4
fishing】The second floor of the small residence in the northwest andNuojiDialogue, get:Fishing rod and bamboo pole
There is aFishing spot, There is aFishing spot

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Sunny Bell Lounge in South Street District:
Atami sauce (large plate) All employees HP3500 CP10
Imitation Handmade Pie HP1900 Chaos Removal
Gather's Popcorn House in South Street District:
High Mobility Popcorn HP1200 MOV+2
Nona's Cake House in South Street District:
Agile Pancake HP1300 MOV+1 SPD+10%
Mysterious Pancake HP3200 Sealing Technique, Sealing Magic, Dispelling Chaos
Baral Cafe in West Street District:
Completely cooked curry rice (big plate) HP2200 for all staff
Sandman Buster HP1000 sleep release
The ice cream house in Solubey in Dongjie District:
Ultimate ice cream HP2200 CP20
Sunshine ice cream HP2500 STR+15%
Moonlight Ice Cream HP2500 DEF+15%

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in the Underground Waterway

the term:-
Strategy: It is recommended to use this opportunity to visit the western part of the Royal Capital Underground Waterway, and go to the eastern part later
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in the West District of the Royal Underground Waterway: Mud Snail (1)
fishing】There are underground waterways in West DistrictFishing spot

Beasts attack very high, will suck blood, attack with chaos, are not immune to darkness, will be able to use scissors, and attack with death
useTidaIt’s easier to use fire magic to attack the smoke screen. It is recommended that all members save CP before the battle, and then play after saving. Pay attention to your position
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
West Underground Waterway:Unbelievable paste HP2400 all abnormalities removed
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4000 mila

Set off to the Albey Palace, you will encounter a wanted warcraft on the way
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in Elbe's Traveling Road: Fierce Giant Crocodile (1)
fishing】There is aFishing spot

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Elbe's Tour

the term:-
Strategy: All members stand in the back row, the enemy has a strong physical defense, it is recommended to attack with magic

remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4500 Mila

fishing】Enter the front yard of the Albey Palace, don’t rush forward, there is a pond on the left hand side of the front yardFishing spot useBamboo pole + snailorOrdinary rod + earthworm fishing, CaughtPearl grassuntil. Pearl grass is the prop to use in the next chapter, and the chance of catching it is highest here

Main quest: The lost child of Elbe's Palace (1)

the term:-

1. You will meet the butler when you enter the reception hall of the Albey PalaceRaymond, And start searching after the conversation.
2. Trigger in the lower left corner of the roomDuke of DunantPlot
3. Then search for the following locations: benches in the atrium, under the tables in the reception room, big jars in the exhibition room, under the podium in the office
4. Finally, go to the meeting room to investigate the counter next to the housekeeper. Don't talk to me during the investigationhousekeeperDialogue BP+3
5. Take it back to the Guerrilla Association after finding someone
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+5 bonus:2000 Mila

Main mission: Investigation of threatening letters

the term:-
Strategy: The main line requires to go to the Embassy of the Republic, the Embassy of the Empire, the Liber News Agency and the Royal City
1) First go to the History Museum to take a side mission

Side mission: the disappearing exhibit

Deadline: Before the main line enters the embassy of the Republic
Strategy: Go to the historical archives to pick up the task and investigate in the following order:
1) The big clock on the second floor of General Morgan's house in the north of West Street District
2) Statue of White Falcon near the exit of South Street District
3) Read the Doll Knight Volume 15 in the library on the second floor of the Embassy of the Republic
Talk to Ambassador Elsa on the 2F of the Embassy of the Republic of China
4) Finally enter the Royal Capital Arena, enter the competition venue from the lounge to trigger the plot war
Enemies will attack with freezing, it is recommended to equip everyone with anti-freezing accessories
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:3000 m

2) After completing the branch line, enter the Imperial Embassy and see you on 2FAmbassador Daville
Card Technician Jack】versusAmbassador DavilleAfter meeting, go to the second floor library andadministratorThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 4"
3) Enter Grancell City, go to the maid room on the right front of 1F, the data room at the end of the left wing on 2F, and the Queen’s Palace to trigger the plot
fishingThere is a rooftop at the Queen’s Palace in Gransell CityFishing spot
4) Finally, go to Liber News Agency 3F andNairdialogue
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward: bonus:3000 m

When coming out of the news agencyOlivier, Kim, KrossAll the equipment loops are removed
Back to the Guerrillas Association report, dialogue options: [impossible】BP+2

The next day, we will return directly from the Albey Palace to the Guerrilla Association of the Royal Capital, and the new main mission will begin.

Main mission: Ling's search

the term:-
Strategy: After coming out of the Guerrilla AssociationEstirThe equipment loops of everyone outside are removed, and the equipment and loops should be reserved for new players who join later.
After that, please investigate in the following order:
1) Go to the History Museum
2) At Adel Department Store, you can purchase:"Liber Communication No. 5"
3) Go to the History Museum
4) After the fishing team, investigate the Yutuo on the first floor
5) [Card Technician Jack】With the Baral Coffee Shop in the West EndKonigaThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Vol. 5" And in the coffee shopbossdialogue
6) Ice cream stand in Eastern District
7) Airport
Not with the receptionist of the Guerrilla Association before the investigation is overAinanDialogue, BP+3
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:BP+3 bonus:1000 Mila

Main task: attendance at the tea party

the term:-
Strategy: A plot takes place at the gate of the Guerrilla Association,EstirAct alone
Go to the wall of Gruña Gate to trigger the plot, dialogue options [In order to deal with the trap of two people】BP+3
KevinJoin the team and trigger a story war, and after the warKevinLet's go back to the Royal Capital Guerrillas Association
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Gruner Gate Canteen:
Wine and Delicacy "Crustacean Feast" HP5000 DEF+20%
Tuan Tuan Turn Tempura HP2000 MOV+1 SPD+10%
Chaos Scroll Juice HP2300 Extinct Qi, Sleep, Dispel Petrification
Return to the association to trigger the plot,SheraorAgatJoin the team, the next battle is more difficult, pay attention to adjust the equipment for the players
After coming out of the Guerrilla Association, go to the pier from the western part of the capital to trigger two plot battles

Save after playing two plot battles. If you continue to move forward, it will trigger a three-game BOSS battle in this chapter. Please be prepared

Boss battle

First battle:EstirJust cheer, physical output is enough, and magic is also very convenient.
Second battle:YuliaJoin, stand as far as possible in this battle, the enemy’s main gun is powerful, and the main gun’s charge will not be interrupted
The third battle: Destroy three soldiers first and then fight slowlyKenonaThat's it, it's better to stand up.KenonaThe attack comes with a sealing technique and is not immune to delay

remuneration:Basic BP: 4 reward:+3BP bonus:5000 mila

PS: If all BP142 is at this time, it will be upgraded to level D, and the loop will be obtained:Yang Yan
After the battle, the third chapter of the main line is over. After completing the remaining side tasks, go to Wangdu Airshipping

Side Quest: The Wanted Beast of the Underground Waterway②

the term:-
Strategy: Enter from the entrance of Dongjie District, and walk the east and north areas of the underground waterway by the way
Enemies are not immune to chaos, they will be summoned in this battle
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in the North District of the Underground Waterway of the Royal Capital: Black Ape Sheep (1)
fishing】There is aFishing spot
There is aFishing spot

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
East District of Underground Waterway:Connected with flesh and blood HP3800 DEF+20%
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4000 mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft on Yard Avenue

the term:-
Strategy: Water resistance is weak, the enemy will attack all, concentrated firepower to fight quickly

remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:3500 Mira

After the completion, go to the airshipping to have a plot

Main task in this chapter 5 Side task 5 Full BP value 42
Card Technician 2
At this time, the perfect BP is 150

Chapter 4 The Mark of the Fog Demon

Chapter 4 InitiallyJoshuaPerspective, onlyJoshuaControllable

After entering the base from the entrance of the Misty Canyon, go first to get the loopAttack 3, Go to B2F to getFeather brooch
After that, return to the captain’s room in B3F to trigger the infiltration of the plot. Pay attention to the soldiers’ state attacks
To the groundJoshuaThe force guide is equipped from top to bottom:Mobility 4, Avoidance 4, Province EP4, Drive 2, Attack 3, EP3, Intelligence
All the accessories obtained in the base are givenJoshuaOn the equipment, the investigation of the Bobcat will trigger the second consecutive battle after the archive is completed
Plot battle 1: Pay attention to various state attacks, especially frozen bombs. If it doesn’t work, S/L
Story War Two: As an NPCJosetteAutomatic combat,JosetteThe battle cannot be without Game Over, but there will be records in the traveler’s manual
In the opening game, give yourself time to speed up, and give the enemy time to slow down. After that, you have been using double combos to output
The enemy’s S skill will cause about 3500 damage, and when the HP is insufficient, use the full recovery medicine to replenish it
This battleJost'S attack power is extremely weak, defense power is not strong, once hit by the S skill is likely to die
The enemy is immune to delayed attacks, and the enemy’s war skills interrupt the casting, so pay attention to the sequence of actions for casting magic

Back after the plotEstirPerspective, after dialogue with all teammates, go to the top of the regular ship to switch scenes and trigger the plot
Arrival at Llorente

Card Technician Jack] The second floor of the private house next to the Abant Tavern andSierraThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 6". It is also available at Perth Supermarket. 【Liberl news】Can be bought at Linong grocery storeLiber Communications No. 6
fishing】Loriente underground waterway hasFishing spot

At the same time, the underground waterway can get two treasure chests, namely EP filler and Chaos Blade (there are strange treasure chests)
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Abant Tavern:
Three egg yolk porridge (large plate) full HP2500 CP25
Spring Breeze Snail Noodle HP2700 STR+5% DEF+5%
Melaleuca HP3000
Silk filter thick bone soup HP1700 STR+10% DEF+10%

Main task: Investigation of the area of heavy fog

the term:-
Strategy: Investigate the coverage of heavy fog near the Llorente area and go to the following locations to confirm the situation:
1. First go to Maruga Mountain Road (before going, go to Qi Yao Church to take a side mission)

Side quest: The engagement ring disappeared in the sky-

Go to the Qiyao Church to accept the task, and then follow the Maruga Mountain Road to the Emerald Tower
Investigate the light on the top of the tower to getengagement ring, Go back to the churchPrincipalTo complete the task
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in the Emerald Tower: Bamboo Sword Flying Fish (6); Bobo (1)

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Emerald Tower 3F:Powerful Juice HP2000 STR+20% DEF+20%
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:5000 mila

After exiting the Emerald Tower, walk north along the Maruga Mountain Road until the plot is triggered, and then return to Lorient

2. Go to Alize Street

fishing】Beside the bridge on the way to Aliz StreetFishing spot
There is a pond behind Bright’s houseFishing spot

Bright family has a small plot

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Aliz Street

the term:-
Strategy: Warcraft is at the southwest corner of Aliz Street, at the gate of Gruner
The Howling Mother Beast will 20% is a dead shadow spear. The attack is accompanied by blood sucking, and the material defense is also high. Be prepared to go
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4500 Mila

Side mission: find fishing grounds (1)

the term:-
Strategy: Take the task in the cafeteria of Gruner Gate. This task will run through the entire chapter and will not be completed until the beginning of the next chapter.
fishing】Fish once at the following fishing spots:
1. By the bridge on the way to Aliz StreetFishing spot
2. In the pond behind Bright's houseFishing spot
3. Loriente Underground WaterwayFishing spot
4. The first scene of Millsey Street in the northern pondFishing spot
5. In the Wilt Bridge Gate, in the pond behind the Southern Captain’s RoomFishing spot
6. In the mysterious forest, near the single-plank bridge in front of the big trees in the depthsFishing spot(Entry only at the beginning of Chapter 5) 【All six have fished】BP+2
PS: If you didn’t catch pearl weeds in the last chapter, use it in Millsi StreetBamboo pole + earthworm, bamboo pole + Sichuan insect, bamboo pole + snail,
Try to catch pearlgrass as much as possible, this will be used in the future tasks
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward:BP+2,+2000 Mila,Fishing rod "Steel pole submarine" bonus:4000 mila

Go to the depths of the Gruner Gate to trigger the plot and return to Loriente

3. Go to Millsey Street
PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Popo in Millsi Street: Big Piranha (1)

fishing] There is a pond in the northern part of the first scene of Millsi StreetFishing spot

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Millsi Street

the term:-
Strategy: In the map on the westernmost side of Millsey Street, the enemy is not immune to any state that is extremely angry, pay attention to the enemy’s freezing attack
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4500 Mila

fishing】In the Wilt Bridge Gate, there is a pond behind the Southern Captain’s RoomFishing spot
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward: bonus:1000 Mila

After all three investigations were completed, the Guerrilla Association reported that the plot was triggered
Do a side mission after the plot

Side mission: search for lost cats

Deadline: Before the investigation of the people involved in the lethargic incident
Strategy: 1) View tasks on the bulletin board of the association
2) Pick up tasks from a room on the first floor of the hotel
3) On the boarding platform of the airship ping andMr. Fabrydialogue
4) In the gap between the warehouse and the tower on the airshippingSculatiGive birthdialogue
5) Looking for a tavernCaptain Petrovdialogue
6) Look for Guidance WorkshopKuintdialogue
7) Look for the first tree on the left side of the entrance courtyard of the airshippingSosmoffdialogue
8) Look for it at the check-in counterFabryDialogue, go to the bottom of the regular ship to findkitten
PS: If you inherit the FC archive perfectly, you will also get:Priest's Bean
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:Priest's Bean bonus:2500 mila

Continue the main line, at this time, unload all the equipment loops on the male character to equip the girls. The next four girls will have a plot battle.

Main mission: investigation of lethargic incident

the term:-
Strategy: Investigate the following four unconscious people:
1. Eliza's on the second floor of the tavernmother
2. In the room on the second floor west of the pubLuke
3. The house on the southwest side opposite the pubGrandpa Rao
4. On the second floor of the mayor's houseLingda
After the investigation, I will report back to the association, and the plot dialogue options: [Are there any witnesses】BP+3,【Luke fell asleep】BP+3
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:BP+6 bonus:4000 mila

After the plot, go to Joshua’s room, 2F balcony, 1F study room, and living room to trigger the plot
I went to Llorente the next day, and I went to the Linong grocery store to buy 3 chocolates. After the association’s dialogue, there will be a small plot.
Go to the hotel’s 2F roomOlivier'S little story

Main mission: to ensure the safety of Pasir Farm

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Go to Pasell’s farm to have a plot battle, the enemy’s soil attribute resistance is weak, the evasion rate is high, and the magic drive will be interrupted
2) After the battle, enter the house to trigger the plot
3) Report to the association after the plot
remuneration:Basic BP:1 reward: bonus:1000 Mila

at this timeBP:168 points (settlement at the end of the main quest BP chapter)

Main Quest: Tracking the woman in black

the term:-
Strategy: Continue to the main line, head to the mysterious forest, and fall into the enchantment in the northernmost big tree scene

Follow the path shown in the figure below within the enchantment

Step out within 20 scene changes】BP+3
After stepping out of the enchantment, continue to move forward to trigger the BOSS battle: soil attribute resistance is weak, one physical absorption, one magic absorption, will chaos and sleep attacks
After the plot, go to investigate Joshua’s room, and then withCasiusTalk, go outside the room withLenaTo talk, go to the cabinet on the bedside of the study on the first floor to get the key, open the door of Joshua’s room, go in to get the harmonica, and use the harmonica on the balcony on the second floor (Items-Event-Harmonica-Use) to trigger the plot.
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:BP+3 bonus:5000 mila

After the plot, this chapter is over, there are still many branches to do before going to the apron

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Millsi Street②

the term:-

At the T intersection in front of Pasir Farm, the enemy will attack in chaos
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:6000 mils

Side Quest: Memorable Cuisine

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Go to the hotel kitchen to pick up the task, come out with the one in front of the counterGrandpa Raodialogue
2) Go to the second floor of the grocery store andGrandma bloomdialogue
3) Go to the second floor of Letra's house next to the tavern with many booksrecipe
4) Go to the grocery store to buy the following ingredients:
Ten Years Bean Sauce×1, Century Old Wine×1, Maple Sugar×2, Fresh Vanilla×5, Dragon Coffee Beans×2, Black Pepper×4, Crushed Rock Salt×5, Bone of Warcraft×2
PS:Bone of WarcraftIf not enough, rats in the underground waterways will fall
5) Bring the above materials to the hotel kitchen to hand in tasks and learn how to cookSpicy stew
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Spicy stew HP4000 can not be dispelled
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:2500 mila

Side Quest: A Thousand Cups of Undrunk Secret Medicine

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Go to the bell tower to pick up the task and request to collect:
Warcraft carapace×5, warcraft wings×5, seed of warcraft×5, pearl grass×1
PS: If the ingredients of Warcraft are not enough, go to Millsi Street. Pearl grass can be caught in the pond of Millsi Street and the clear stream of the mysterious forest.
2) When ready, go to the bell tower to deliver and complete the task
remuneration:Basic BP:2 reward:- bonus:7500 Mila

Side mission: the mine's commission

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Go to the old Jiatong near the west gate to pick up the task and investigate in the following order:
Chairs on the second floor of the church
The wooden box outside the mayor's house
Get the key from the forge behind the weapon shop
Go to the underground waterway to open the deepest door that could not be opened before
2) When you open the door and enter, the battle will be triggered. The enemy will attack with blood. It is recommended to use the magic attack with earth fire attribute
3) After the war, I found the letter of appointment on the shelf
4) Go back and findGatong bossDeliver task, getAny kind of brilliant chip×500
It is recommended to have 500 empty attribute glare chips, and empty attribute glare chips are the most expensive
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:6000 mils

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in the Emerald Tower

the term:-
Strategy: Just before the entrance of the Emerald Tower
Soil resistance is weak, the place will be attacked by all the dark, and the crustacean will reflect magic
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward: bonus:4500 Mila

Side mission: find fishing grounds (2)

the term:-
Strategy: Go fishing in the deepest part of the mysterious forest. After investigating all six fishing spots in the Lorient area, go to the canteen of Gruña Gate to deliver the task
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward:BP+2,+2000 Mila,Fishing rod "Steel pole submarine" bonus:4000 mila

Report BP at this time, then it will rise to D+, and get the loop:Death Blade 1

Go to the tarmac to go to Pasir Farm, andAunt HannahConversation to get cooking herbal tea

Main task in this chapter 4 Side task 10 Full BP value 62
Card technician 1
At this time, the perfect BP is 212

Chapter 5 Guardian Beliefs

Go to the Lorient apron to take an airship, and talk to all partners on board regularly, and talk to the partners who went to the mysterious forest together twice, andTidaTalk twice
After switching scenes, arrive at the destination Perth, now go shopping in the city, buy equipment supplies

Liberl news】You can buy it at Mi Lei grocery store in Perth Supermarket"Liber Communication No. 7"
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Kirche Tavern:
Golden seasoned rice (big plate) HP5000 for all members, the battle cannot be dismissed
Red Lotus Stewed Beast Meat HP2800 Sealing Skill, Sealing Demon, Dispelling Chaos
Katelia Cake House in Perth Supermarket:
Right Angle Cake HP1500 Dissolved Petrification
Refreshing jelly HP5400 battle cannot be dismissed
PS: If you inherited the FC perfect archive, go to Perth Supermarket andSpenceThe conversation gets:Resurrection Powder×1

After shopping, go to the Guerrilla Association to trigger the plot
The main mission requires the elimination of three wanted beasts located in Guroni, Amber Tower and Misty Canyon, and they will be settled after they are played.
Clean up side tasks first, and you can complete some main tasks by the way

Side Quest: Commissioned by Ambassador Ereponia

the term:-
Strategy: Go to Room 203 of the Fullerton Hotel to pick up the task, and then investigate the following locations:
1. Flower pot behind LUCIR
2. Book opened on the third floor of the Guerrilla Association
3. Lift trucks in the airport
4. Holy scriptures in the chapel on the second floor of Qiyao Church
5. Return to the delivery task and getIron Knight Medal
PS: This taskKoroswithOlivierMore interesting in the team
remuneration:Basic BP::5 reward: bonus:10000 Mira

Side mission: delicious preparation

the term:-
Strategy: Antros restaurant kitchen takes over the task, asks to find 6 kinds of Warcraft ingredients
If you have completed Lu'an's task of collecting ingredients, go to the South Gate of Perth Supermarket and talk to Ovid to get 3 of them, BP+2
Then go to collectWarcraft Bird Meat×10, Warcraft Bird Eggs×10, Warcraft Eyeballs×10 Can
The grumpy bubbles drop from the streets of West PerthWarcraft Eyes, A woodpecker drop from East Perth StreetWarcraft Bird Egg, The bird drops on the road to the steel wallWarcraft bird meat
PS: After completing the task, you can go to the Antros restaurant kitchen to findOvidPurchased Warcraft ingredients
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:BP+2,+1500 Mira bonus:5500 Mila

Side Quest: Missing Miss

the term:-
Strategy: At Antros Restaurant andLenaDialogue to take over the task, from Xibesi Street to Guroni Mountain Road to Guroni Pass
On the way, you will encounter the wanted warcraft of the main mission Guroni-Blade Fang
The enemy has a strong physical attack ability and is not immune to many states. It only needs to output magic from a distance. It is recommended to use the magic shadow spear
fishing】The river in West Perth Street, beside the bridge in the middle mapFishing spot

Card Technician Jack】The Captain's Room and SoldiersMichiThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 7"
After taking the book, go to the next room to findFraser, Dialogue options: [Miss Flaser is such a coward】BP+2, automatically return to Perth after the plot
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:BP+2,Tornado Fan Prize: 6000 Mira

Back to the association report, if you had a perfect BP before, you should be promoted to C level and get rewards:Fishing Rod·Jade Star

Main task: Collective crusade of wanted Warcraft

the term:-
Strategy: 1) The Wanted Warcraft on Mount Guroni-Blade Fang, Side Quest-I will definitely encounter it in the Missing Miss
2) The wanted warcraft of the Amber Tower-evil bone octopus, will split after being attacked, and use the range attack to make a quick battle
fishing】There is a pier on the pier of Chuan Chanting on Lake ValyriaFishing spot
PS: The Howling Mother Beast on Ansel New Street will fall HP4, It is recommended to brush more

PS: The companion monster of Bobo, the angel sheep in the Amber Tower: Ambergris (6); Purple Bobo (1)

3) The Wanted Warcraft in the Misty Canyon-ghost inscription, will petrify and freeze attack

PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in the Mist Canyon: Giant Snow Ape (3); Snow Mantis (1)

The hut on the Misty Canyon can rest to restore HP and EP

4) After playing the three wanted monsters, an option appears: [WoW become timid] BP+3, then return to Perth Guerrilla Association
remuneration:Basic BP:6 reward:BP+3 bonus:15,000 mila

Back to the associationAgatRemove the equipment and circuits on the body, and then report to trigger the plot
After the plot, the shops in the Perth supermarket are moved to the hotel

Main Quest: Ancient Dragon Attack

the term:-
Strategy: Trigger the plot after entering the association, select [First decide the task assignment】BP+3,AgatLeave the team temporarily
Then depart from West Perth Street to Ravennu Village
fishing】The pond in Ravennu Village hasFishing spot. (For plot reasons, it is the first time to go fishing temporarily)
PS: There is a small plot to investigate the cemetery

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Moon Path Pavilion in Ravennu Village:Luxury drink "Paradise" HP4200 all exceptions removed
Ravennu waste pit:Hundred-soldier steak HP10000 STR+10%
Found in the orchardvillage head, Then go north and enter Ravennu waste pit

The plot takes place in the middle of the waste pit
After the plot, go to the hut next to the village chief’s house, and then go to the entrance of the village to choose [Back to Perth】Automatically return to Perth

remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:BP+3 bonus:2000 Mila

Liberl news】The next day, go to the Fullerton Hotel 2F, Mi Lei’s mother-in-law can buy it"Libel Communications Special"

Main Quest: Pursuit of the Ancient Dragon (1)

the term:-
Strategy: Go to Airshipping and choose【Waiting for the warship to arrive] Trigger the plot,
Trigger the plot after talking to everyone on the El Saiyo, then go to the deck to trigger the plot
After the plotAgatwithTidaEnlist
PS: At this time, a side task is added to the bulletin board.
remuneration:Basic BP: 7  reward: bonus:8000 Mira

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft on Ravennu Mountain Road

the term:-
Strategy: Go out from the north of Ravennu Village and meet the Wanted Destiny Weaver on the mountain road on the left
The enemy will petrify and attack and interrupt the magic in the drive
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:6500 Mila

Main Quest: Pursuit of the Ancient Dragon (2)

the term:-
Strategy: Enter the Misty Gorge through East Perth Street, go to the hut on the east and talk to Uncle Wimra to trigger the plot
After the plot, go to the west to find Uncle Wimra to talk to and enter Gu Long’s residence
Warcraft on the road will freeze attack

BOSS Ancient Dragon: Fighting soul and time slowdown are effective for it, and the full-screen empty attribute magic driven by the dragon cannot be interrupted, pay attention to reply
After defeating the plot, the fifth chapter of the main line ends. At this time, if the previous perfect BP256, you will be promoted to C+ level, and you will get:Sacred chain
remuneration:Basic BP:7 reward: bonus:8000 Mira

The main line of Chapter 5 is over. After the plot, the team members andEstirAct together, go to Chuanchan Pavilion on the shore of Lake Valyria and talk to the team members to change the team members
PS: The Steam version can also adjust the equipment of all players here
Let’s first go to the houses andGranny CecilDialogue, then go to Chuanchan Pavilion and the lakeOld Man Kuvanodialogue
Back to Perth andGranny CecilDialogue, get:Fishing Rod·Lake King II
fishing】There is a pier on the pier of Chuan Chanting on Lake ValyriaFishing spot
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Chuan Cicada Pavilion:
Oriental-style grilled fish HP600 breathless, sleep, petrified
Fire runaway fish HP3400 SPD+20%
Liberl news】You can buy it at Perth supermarket"Liber Communications No. 8"
At this time, you can go to the cottage in the east of Misty Canyon andUncle WimlaDialogue, learnDark Hot Pot•Enlightenment
Next, complete the remaining side tasks

Side mission: distant memory

the term:-
Strategy: With the client in the Chilshey TavernKornaDialogue to take the task,
Give photos toLilawithMayor MaybellLook (Items—Event—Use), complete the commission
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:3500 Mira

Side mission: escort the merchant

the term:-
Strategy: There are two ladies on the 2F of the chat room in the South Street district and find the clientMilano,
At the west exit of Beijie District withPrincipalAfter confluence, set off to Ravennu Village, there will be no fighting on the road, BP+2
remuneration:Basic BP:3 reward:BP+2,+5000 Mira bonus:5000 mila

Card Technician Jack】Talk to the child Rui of Ravennu Village to get:"Card Technician Jack Volume 8"

Side Quest (Hidden): Waste Pit Sweeping War

the term:-
Strategy: Talk to the soldiers at the gate of the Ravennu Abandoned Pit to trigger a hidden mission
Go inside and eliminate 5 robots to complete the mission. Now you can get a few treasure chests that you couldn’t get in the waste pit.
remuneration:Basic BP:6 reward: bonus:8000 Mira

Card Technician Jack】From East Perth Street to the Harken Gate, and theCalcosThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 9"
Available at Harken Gate CanteenCooking Guru Guru Hot Sight

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Misty Canyon Lodge:Dark Hot Pot·Enlightenment Random HP becomes 1, CP drops to 0 for one random person, CP +100 for the remaining three
Harken Gate Canteen:Guru Guru Hot Sight HP2600 Poison, Darkness, Freeze Release
PS: Afterwards, it will not be possible to replenish equipment ingredients for a long time
It is recommended to buy 40 portions of coarsely crushed rock salt, black pepper and red pepper powder, and 24 portions of tenderloin, which are used to synthesize powerful attack dishes
Go to Chuan Chanting to talk to your partner, choose【Nothing more] Trigger the plot, the fifth chapter ends

This chapter is all BP60
Card Technician 3
Perfect at this time BP 272

Chapter 6 The Fetters

Main task: sneak into the research facility of "Association"

the term:-
Strategy: After Chuan Chanting triggers the plot, choose a companion (KevinForce into the team), then you can adjust the equipment and circuits of all players
When you are ready, set off to the research institute by the lake
The different colored code cards in the lakeside research institute correspond to different doors. It is recommended to open all doors
There is a dark room on the way, you need to wear luminous glasses to go forward
Each layer has a guarding BOSS
1F:Kurac, It will interrupt the drive, in the terminal with a red card key and some information, you can open the red marked door
2F:Karuna, It will interrupt the drive and get a green card key at the terminal. There are two green doors on 1F
3F:Yanilas, Get a blue card key at the terminal, 1F has one, 2F has two, and 3F has one
Before reaching the 4th floor to trigger the BOSS battle, give high-level circuits such as action, drive, defense, and spirit toEstir, It’s best to match the magic death roar,Fighting soul hoodwithSacred chainAlso giveEstirEquipKevinHas 200CP
4F:Doll Joshua×3, Use the star cup domain to apply absolute defense at the beginning, the enemy will use the S technique

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Lakeside Research Institute 3F:Hypnotic Cookies STR800
Post-war plotEstirAct alone, the equipment originally equipped on other teammates will not bring

On the way to the Ark Sanctuary, you can first stroll in the actionable area and search for treasure chests
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Red Ark: Fainting Meatballs STR900 makes the enemy breathless
Arrive at the temple to trigger the plot, after the plot, start to escape from Estir’s room

Start from the second floor at the front and go to the deck via the first floor
If you have no confidence in the next battle, you can do 8 faint meatballsspare
Trigger a boss battle on the deck, plot selection: [Former Secretary of Mayor Delmon] (Choose the right choice and win the battle BP+5)

Boss battle

This battle is a limited time battle. The battle must be ended within a certain round. When Apache dies, the power of self-destruction is great, so stay away
SuggestEstirequipmentSacred chain, InstalledDefense, mobility, drive, EP, HP Waiting for the loop, with a magic death roar
After the opening, just keep playing death roar. Those who are not confident in this kind of tactics can use attack cooking.Faint MeatballsOutput

Post-war plot, keep going after the plot
Arrive at Hangar 3 and walk a short distance forward to trigger the plot and enter the BOSS battle
Boss battle

Dispose of the sentry first, the BOSS will summon the target searcher, you can use a double connection to solve it
At the beginning of the battle, you can put a time to slow down, pay attention to the death of the enemy will explode

The post-war plot, the sixth chapter ends
remuneration:Basic BP:4 reward:BP+5 bonus:10000 Mira

This chapter is full of BP9. At this time, the perfect BP is 281. If the previous mission is completed perfectly, the guerrilla level will be upgraded to level B, and you will get:Belt of Fighting Soul

Chapter Seven Tower of Four Wheels

There is no branch line in this chapter, only the different space of four towers needs to be climbed.
Liberl news】Available at El Saiyu Props Sales"Liber Communication No. 9"

Main Quest: The Mutation of the Tower of Four Wheels

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Emerald Tower, bring itKoros, Prepare anti-chaotic and sealing accessories
PS: Pay attention to collecting the data crystals in each different space, and hand them back to the spacecraftDr Russell
The companion of Angel Sheep Bobo in the different space of the Emerald Tower: Emerald Destroyer M-J (1)

Tower boss battle

Enemies will be confused and sealed skills, first solve the miscellaneous soldiers, the BOSS will attack the single S skills with high power, but also create clones, as long as the attack on the body clones will all disappear. Use time deceleration for BOSS, and the clone will not have this DEBUFF, it is very simple to separate.
After the war, I will automatically return to the El Saiyou and trigger the plot at the entrance of the workshop. After that, the crystal hole can be upgraded to level 3. It is recommended to give priority toKoros, JoshuaEt al. upgraded crystalline pores.

2) The Red Lotus Tower,goldForced to join the team, prepare all the members with gas-proof accessories

Tower boss battle

The enemy will attack with anger and will add evasion to himself, but he is not immune to fighting spirit and time slowing. It is recommended to output magic.

After the war, he returned to the El Saiyou automatically.
Card Technician Jack】At this timeprincessCat on the deck of the ElseoAnthonyThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 10"

3) The Tower of Cyan Bi,SheraForce into the team. It is recommended to put at leastSheraAll crystal holes are upgraded to level 2, and two non-attribute holes are upgraded to level 3.

Tower boss battle

Miscellaneous soldiers have weak soil attribute resistance, physical absorption of the invisible fog, and magic absorption of aerosol beasts. Both will summon the poisonous mist messenger. The BOSS will clone. If the clone is hit, the clone will exchange positions with our team members, and the damage will be transferred to our team members. On your body, make good use of fighting spirit and time to slow down, and don't use all attack skills indiscriminately.

PS: At this time, after opening the holes for the personnel you need, you can sell all the shining chips. The price of the shining chips on the Elsaiu is the highest. In Chapter 8, you can buy them again at this price For dazzling chips, due to the relatively large demand for some attribute dazzling chips, selling the unused chips is the wisest choice at this time.

4) Amber Tower, bring itTida. The enemy in the tower will die and petrify the two most lethal skills, be sure to wear the corresponding accessories.
PS: The companion of Angel Sheep Bobo in the different space of the Amber Tower: Amber Support Machine A (6); Amber Detective Machine A (1)


Boss on the top of the tower

The first battle: the opening BOSS will release the S skill, the attack will die. The attack of the miscellaneous soldiers comes with petrification, darkness, and poison. It is recommended to start the game and grab S skills quickly
Clear out the miscellaneous soldiers.
The second battle: the robot does not eat the fighting spirit. If the human-shaped BOSS is knocked down, the robot will revive it. It is recommended to destroy the robot first.

remuneration:Basic BP:9 reward:- bonus:10000 Mira

After the war, chapter seven ends.

This chapter all BP 9
Card technician 1
At this time, the perfect BP is 290

Chapter 8 Chaos Land

Main mission: distribution of zero-force field generator

the term:-
Strategy: 1) Start a walking tour around the country after the plot
PS: 1. In this chapter, only characters with zero force field generators can use force magic,TidaNormal attacks cannot be used without the zero force field generator,
This chapter mainly uses physics characters for combat. It is recommended to use skills with delay effects in combat.
2. The national map is open, and all fishing locations can be accessed
3. Put on the previously obtained from the different space of the Amber TowerYe YinLoop to reduce the interference of mobs on the road. Head south of Perth to Ansel New Street, and destroy the wanted warcraft in Ansel New Street

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Ansel New Street

the term:-
Strategy: In front of the signs leading to the Amber Tower on Ansel New Street
The enemy's attack zone will die, try to fight as quickly as possible. After the war:Must kill
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:7000 Mira

2) Check if there isBlack salmonAs bait, if not available, refer to the fishing notes to go to Lake ValyriaoutsideofFishing spot,useFishing baits such as red worm, salmon roe, earthworm, dried shrimp, etc.CatchBlack salmon, ReuseLake King II + Black SalmonCan catchLord of the Lake-Overlord Sockeye Salmon, You can go to the headquarter of the fishing division in Grantsell to buyBait
PS: Dimensional bugs appeared on the top of the Amber Tower. After the battle, you can get:Protection Orb. (Non-wanted Warcraft, does not affect BP and plot)
3) After catching the fish, continue to the west and follow the streets of Siperth to the Guroni Mountain Road
PS: The Steam version can go to Ravennu Village at this time, and the guerrillas at the entrance of the villageStinkDialogue availableCarved Yaozhu

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft on Mount Guroni

the term:-
Strategy: In the eastern part of Perth on the Guroni, you will definitely encounter Warcraft on the road
The enemy's physical attack power is very strong, and the attack is absolutely breathtaking. After the war:Principles of Sealing Demons
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:7500 Mila

PS: At this time at Guroni PassReyThe dialogue will get the strongest attack cuisine:Aurora Incredible Jade
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Rey at Guroni Pass:Aurora Incredible Jade Attack Cuisine

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Meiwei Haidao

the term:-
Strategy: At the fork of Meiwei Haidao leading to Lu'an City, you will definitely encounter Warcraft on the road
The sentinel attack comes with petrification and poison, so it should be eliminated as soon as possible; the beam jumping clown will interrupt the magic drive, with sealing skills, and CP reduction
Drop after the battle:Theory of Sleep
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:5000 mila

PS: When you arrive at Meiwei Haidao, go to Maria Orphanage and have a small plot

After arriving in Luan, don’t rush to the Guerrillas Association to deliver the zero-force field generator, first go to the Tower of Cyan Bi to destroy the wanted warcraft
PS: There is a dragon suit on the second floor of the casino, which can be changed. The attributes are quite good.

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in the Green Tower

the term:-
Strategy: In the open space in front of the Green Tower
Thunder and lightning floating fish all attacks with darkness, will summon the Dodo, with instant death attack, not immune to AT DELAY
After the war:Freezing theory
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:6500 Mila

PS: Dimensional bugs appeared on the top of the Tower of Cyanbi, after the battle, you got:Magic Orb. (Non-wanted Warcraft, does not affect BP and plot)
After finishing the wanted warcraft, go to the Guerrillas Association to send the zero force field generator, and then go to the Wangli Academy to trigger the hidden mission

Side mission (hidden): Attack on Wangli College

the term:-
Strategy: 1. Walk a few steps on Street View Forest Road to trigger the plot
2. Investigate the following places after the plot:
Male dormitory (two windows)
Society Building
Iron gate leading to the old school building
Principal room
Staff Office
School entrance
Classroom on the first floor
Female dormitory (two windows)
3. Trigger the plot after coming out,CruzwithYanilasTemporary enlistment,
Unload the equipment loops from the rest of the players and give them toCruzwithYanilasinstall
4. Infiltrate the Royal College and destroy the enemies in the main building, club building, male dormitory, and female dormitory
PS: At this time, go to the women's locker room in the club building andDeborahDialogue, get food:Nutritious juice
After destroying four enemies, the plot is triggered, and then go to the old school building to enter the plot battle with lower difficulty. After the battle, the hidden mission is completed.
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Deborah in the Women's Locker Room of the Society Building:Nutritional juice HP4800 STR+20% DEF+20%
Card Technician Jack】After completing this task, contact the humanities classroom on the first floor of the main building of the schoolPabulThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Vol. 12"
remuneration:Basic BP:8 reward: bonus:10000 Mira

PS: The Steam version now comes withTidaGo to Lu'an Weapon Store to learn S technique: Cannon Shot F
PS: Go to the Guerrillas Association to report the mission, and all BP313 will be promoted to B+, and you will get:Storega B1
4) Get readyNight Vision GlassesLater (available in a grocery store), enter the Carrudia Tunnel from El Redden Checkpoint.
PS: There is a violent penguin in the picture near Chase at the far east of the tunnel. After the battle, you get:Holy stone. (Non-wanted Warcraft, does not affect BP and plot)
5) After arriving at Chase, don’t rush to the Guerrillas Association to deliver the zero-force field generator, first go to fight two wanted monsters
PS: When you go to the workshop, the plot will be triggered. Using the zero-force field generator, you can use the machine in the workshop to open the force guide and synthesize the loop.

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Lita Street

the term:-
Strategy: Coming out of Chase will inevitably encounter
The enemy’s defense is stronger,TidaSmoke bombs andJoshuaThe magic eye Juying can easily deal with it, and it can also output magic in the back row.
After the war:Darkness
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:5000 mila

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft on Plains Road in Torrant

the term:-
Strategy: Located on the road in the middle of the scene leading to Fort Volfer on the Torrant Plain Road
Beasts have weak winds, they will attack all of us when they are attacked. It is recommended toJoshuawithAgatPut on the emerald stone amulet and use the delay skill all the time,EstirwithSheraThe area that has been letting out the wind, attacking three to four enemies each time. Obtained after the war:Toxicity
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward:- bonus:6500 Mila

PS: Dimensional bugs appeared on the top of the Red Lotus Tower. After the war, you can get:Energy Orb. (Non-wanted Warcraft, does not affect BP and plot)
After playing two wanted monsters, go to the Guerrillas Association to hand in the zero force field generator, and then putTidaJoin the team and start doing hidden tasks

Side Quest (Hidden): Repair of Armore Hot Springs

the term:-
Strategy: 1. BringTidaGo to Almo Hot Springs withGranny MaoDialogue twice, select【Bite the bullet and help】Trigger task
2. After going to the hot spring hut to trigger the plot, go find:Gasoline and internal combustion engines
3. Go to Chase Airship Ping andGstaff Maintenance Chiefdialogue
Go to the Guerrillas Association andMistyDialogue selectionAsk the fortress
(Or go to the fortress and gate of RestonsoldierDialogue twice, select【About internal combustion engines】)
Find the guard airship in the middle of the scene leading to the Red Lotus Tower on Torrant Plains Road, and after dialogue, obtain:Internal combustion engine
4. Go to the central workshop underground andRudydialogue
Then take the letter of introduction from the head of the workshop to find the person in charge at the dock in Luannan DistrictHaguObtained after the conversation:gasoline
5. Go back to Armore Hot Spring and complete the task, and get the food:The final concentrated herbal tea
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Granny Mao: The HP of the final concentrated herbal tea is fully restored and all abnormalities removed
Card Technician Jack] After completing this task, go to Fort Volfer andCaptain PaisThe conversation gets:"Card Technician Jack Volume 13"
6) Then enter the royal capital area through the Saint-Hem Gate
remuneration:Basic BP:8 reward: bonus:10000 Mira

PS: 1. The previously closed room near the entrance of the underground waterway in the Western District of the Wangdu District has now opened a flash chip store, which is the only purchase opportunity for the entire game. It is recommended that all funds be used to purchase chips, even if you buy too much, you can still get the original price Sell. Time attribute chip consumption is relatively large, it is recommended to buy more
2. If you have obtained the special fishing master certificate before, you can go to the fishing master team in the capital to buy bait
Liberl news】Available at Wangdu Bookstore"Liber Communication No. 10"

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in the Underground Waterway of the Royal Capital

the term:-
Strategy: Enter from the East Street District, near the switch that connects the East and West Districts
Enemy attacks are accompanied by darkness, which will be absorbed by HP. Obtained after the war:The truth of death
remuneration:Basic BP: 5 reward: bonus:9500 Mila

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Elbe's Tour

the term:-
Strategy: Near the entrance of Elbe Palace
It's easier to fight after clearing the mobs next to you with the explosive S technique in the opening game. Obtained after the war:Principles of Sealing Techniques
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:8000 Mira

7) Leaving the capital and heading to Llorente

Side Quest: The Wanted Warcraft in Aliz Street

the term:-
Strategy: You will definitely encounter it on the road
The Desperate Guardian comes with darkness, and Sentinel 911 comes with petrification and poison. Pay attention to protection. Obtained after the war:Principles of petrochemicals
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:5500 Mila

8) When you come to Llorente, don’t go to the Guerrilla Association first, first go to destroy the Wanted Warcraft
PS: Once the third zero-force field generator is handed over, the plot will be triggered, and the fishing system will be forced to shut down
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Lorient Abant Tavern:Daily Tempura HP7200 MOV+1 SPD+10%

Side Quest: Wanted Warcraft in Millsi Street

the term:-
Strategy: At the northeast end of the scene leading to Pasell’s Farm (the other end of the farm entrance in the scene)
Enemy attacks are accompanied by poison. After HP is reduced to a certain level, it is possible to use instant death tricks. Obtained after the war:Chaos Theory
remuneration:Basic BP:5 reward: bonus:8000 Mira

PS: Dimensional worms appear on the top of the Emerald Tower, after the war you will get:Magic Defense Orb. (Non-wanted Warcraft, does not affect BP and plot)

After destroying the wanted monsters, go to the Guerrillas Association to hand in the zero force field generator to trigger the plot. After the plot, do the hidden task first.

Side mission (hidden): Rescue the miners

the term:-
Strategy: Enter the Maruga Mine to rescue the trapped miners, after they are rescued, go to the WoW lair in the northwest corner of the mine to trigger the BOSS battle
Pay attention to the enemy’s overall darkness, qi extremity, and instant death attacks. The enemy will also hit the bloodsucking skills. Obtained after the war:Hu Yaozhu
Card Technician Jack] After completing the task, go back to Llorente, go to the church to trigger the plot, and then go to the Abant Tavern andSierraConversation
Get:"Card Technician Jack Vol. 11"
remuneration:Basic BP:8 reward:- bonus:10000 Mira

Card Technician Jack】After sending all the zero-force field generators, go to the Perth Supermarket and the bookstore ownerMi LeiThe dialogue will get:"Card Technician Jack Volume 14"
PS: Available at Perth Supermarket BookstoreLiber Communications 1-9 and special numbers
The dishes sold in Perth Supermarket have been updated
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Catria Cake House in Perth Supermarket:Maha Unbelievable Paste HP6000 Fully Abnormal Release
Perth Supermarket Delado Grocery Store: Thick Bone Meat Stick HP12000 DEF+20%
Park Fruit Shop in Perth Supermarket: Bitter animal meat stew HP9000 CP60
remuneration:Basic BP:8 reward: bonus:6000 mils

Main mission: The crisis approaching the capital

the term:-
Strategy: 1) When everything is ready, return to the capital, and you will encounter a series of plot wars on the way to the capital, which is not difficult
Card Technician Jack】At this time, go to the third floor of the Guerrillas Association andBaralDialogue, in exchange for 14 volumes of novels:Semuria Stone
2) The BOSS battle in this chapter is triggered on the bridge at the gate of the king's city
Note that when the enemy dies, it will explode. Since we only have one zero-force field generator at this time, the other three can only use physical attacks.JoshuaThe Jueying can control two desperate armored soldiers, and the other three can quickly solve the other one.
Enter the King City after the battle to trigger the plot, and the eighth chapter after the plot ends
remuneration:Basic BP:10 reward: bonus:10000 Mira

at this timeIn the end, it was perfect BP382, and the guerrilla level rose to A, and he obtained:Ancient God Armor

Main task in this chapter 2 Side task 10 Hidden task 3 Full BP value 92
Card Technician 4

The Trail of the Final Chapter Sora

Main mission: Exploration of Floating City

the term:-
Strategy: After the plot, adjust personnel and equipment, and then you will get a variety of five-level circuits, you don’t need to synthesize four-level circuits here.
Liberl news】Available at El Saiyu Restaurant"Liber Communication No. 11"
Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Restaurant El Cerio:Bitter Vegetable Meat Omelet Full HP4000 CP40
Workshop operators also sell some equipment. Bring it with you when you startKoros, The next plot requires her to be present
1) Park area Karl Marie
Go through the elevator platform in front to the West Carmary Station

2) West Carmary Station
Found a terminal, select【Use halo tracks】Activate rail train, currently unavailable
Come back and select in the terminal【Online shopping mall], you can use the chip to exchange for the red and blue beads, and then each terminal can be exchanged for different beads
Select in the terminal【Unlock the door], open the gate of Ark Underground Passage 1

3) Libel·Ark Underground Passage 1

4) Residential area·Kredel

Cookbook] Cuisine available at this time:
Investigation terminal of the first house encountered in the living area:Barley cheese jelly HP15000 battle can not be dismissed
After arriving at the residential area Credel, first collect the treasure chest in the west half
Both data crystal Z and barley cheese jelly need to be obtained by investigating the terminal
PS: After obtaining the data crystal Z in the Steam version, go to the computer to investigate the barley cheese jelly, and you will getSecond semria stone
Go to the eastern region to trigger a story war, after the warJostJoin
Investigate the terminal of the verification device in the room south of the eastern area, and select [Application for reissue of the Gospel】enter【Clos Ceresto D. Oceres], get the plot props:Original gospel
Then use the elevator in the eastern area to the station
PS: There is a reply device on the Lynx
5) No. 35 Creedle Station
Investigate the station terminal, the rail train can be used normally (in the future, you can easily return to the Elceiu via the rail train)
Then use the original gospel props in front of the terminal to unlock the Ark Underground 2 door lock
The online shopping mall at the station terminal can exchange chips for Hu Yaozhu and Cui Yaozhu
PS: Bring the Data Crystal Z and the Semuria Stone back to the El Saiyou to findDr. RussellDialogue, use Semria stone to build the final weapon
Then go back to the residential area Credel and enter the Ark Underground Passage 2 through the door under the elevator

6) Libel·Ark Underground Passage 2

PS: The companion monster of Angel Sheep Bobo in Ark Underpass 2: The Mistake Photon Beast (1)
7) Industrial area·Factria

First collect the treasure chests in the south, and then use the elevator to go to the 7th Fatria Station

8) Seventh Factria Station
Turn on the rail train at the station terminal,
The online shopping mall of the station terminal can be exchanged with a chipBlack Yaozhu, Jin Yaozhu, Silver Yaozhu
Station terminal selection【Unlock the door】No response after
after thatJostMust be brought in the team, and then head to the east of the industrial zone and enter Gurorias
9) Grolias
Just follow the map
Came on the deck to trigger a plot war. Our side is in a state of being attacked. When the enemy dies, it will explode
Get the security card and go back to the first floor of the ship
Trigger a story war when passing the first electric fence, the enemy is immune to all states, first solve the riot steel arm
Go back to the confinement area, first open barriers 2 and 4 to get the treasure chest, open barrier 1 directly, it will trigger the plot and you can’t get the treasure chest.
Finally, open the No. 1 barrier to trigger the plot

After leaving Gurorias, go back to the Elseo to getJostReplace
PS: BringJostIt’s fun to talk to the people on the El Saiyo
After that, first go to the lynx in the residential area Kregel andGilDialogue, get the password: [ORPHEUS
Go to the Seventh Fatria Station and use it in front of the terminalOriginal gospel,enter password【ORPHEUS】,Unlock the door lock of Ark Underground Passage 3

10) Libel·Ark Underground Passage 3
PS: The companion of Angel Sheep Bobo in Ark Underpass 2: Kailas Gray (6); Thunderbolt Floating Fish (1)
Close to the exit, there will be a plot war, the enemy will split when injured, and will also seal skills and petrochemical attacks.

PS: In the Steam version, return to the Elsei to talk to any one of Yulia, Mulla, and Kroth. You can choose to let Yulia or Mulla join the team. Yulia and Kroth, Mulla and Agath each use the same weapons

11) In front of the central tower
There is a station in the south, and the online shop at the station terminal can be exchanged for chipsWater Bead, Wind Bead, Wood Bead and Phantom Bead
After adjusting the equipment and circuits, go to the central tower
Trigger a story war in front of the central tower, and enter the first floor of the central tower after the war
12) The second floor of the central tower
Recommended team members:Kroes and Olivier

Boss: Bulubland and two beam jumping clowns

BulublandDon't decrease immunity, make good useKorosOf fighting spirit,BulublandThe created clone is the real body with the status mark.

After the war, the terminal in front of the investigation opened the passage to continue and the teleportation array directly returned to the first floor.

13) The third floor of the central tower
Recommended team members:gold

Boss: Varut and the two shadow leopards

VarutImmune to all abnormal conditions, fast, and long moving distance,
Can only strengthen our side and try to output as much as possible, pay attention to HP not less than eight thousand

14) The fourth floor of the central tower
Recommended team members:Shera

Boss: Lucy Aola, Aerosol Beast, Invisible Mist

The aerosol beast absorbs magic and can move long distances; the invisible fog physically absorbs all magic; it interrupts the magic drive
Lucy OlaWill replace the phantom with our side, attacking the phantom will cause damage to our side, and the phantom will disappear if the body is attacked

15) The fifth floor of the central tower
Recommended team members:Tida

Boss: Annihilation Angel, Patil Mathil

Both of them are immune to abnormal conditions, and the S skill of annihilating angels will die.
Robots attack high blood, attack with breathlessness and darkness
If the annihilation angel cannot fight first, the robot will resurrect it

16) The sixth floor of the central tower
No requirements for team members

There is a recovery device at the end of the sixth floor, after which it is not possible to change players and purchase equipment loops.
JoshuaThe team will leave the team temporarily after the front battle, and the boss will join during the final battle. Please be prepared before moving forward.

Boss: Levi and two Frenzy Swords

Please pay attention to reply to this battle, and use time to accelerate, time to decelerate and other magic
LeviThe clone of will not disappear even if it attacks the body,heThe straight-line technology zero storm can interrupt the drive
Can giveJoshuaUse the Resurrection Powder or Resurrection Capsule that restores 100CP or 200CP to continuously explode the S technique to clear the field
After losing the battle, you can choose to continue the plot
After winning the battle:Belt of Fighting Soul
PS: The dialogue with different people will be different, withKevinThe conversation mentionedRuby

After the battleJoshuaLeaving the team, the remaining three characters continue to move forward and encounter a plot war (the enemy is not immune to decline)
After the war, all the way to the root area Temelios
17) Root area Temelios
Here is a recovery device. After making the final adjustments, move on to trigger the final BOSS three-game battle

Boss three in a row

First battle:WisemanAnd four tactical shells
WisemanWill use the "root barrier" that is immune to all magic, after a long time we can not use magic attacks
Second battle:Angel WisemanAnd four greedy itinerants
A must-defeat battle, the enemy is in an invincible state, and any attack is invalid
The third battle:Angel WisemanAnd four Alpha Omega
The enemy will demolish the floor, and our personnel in demolishing will permanently disappear, and the absolute defense magic will also be invalid.
Once the enemy drives a black circle, our personnel inside must leave immediately

Remuneration: Basic BP:  reward: bonus:

After the war story, escape from the passage on the west side of the central tower after the story. Remember to save a file and use it to watch the ending animation. After the end point, the story will be triggered. After watching the ending animation, you will be prompted to save the clearance file.

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