Trails from Zero-Archive

Track Zero·Change STEAM Archive

Note: On March 1, 2022, the full achievement archive has been updated.

Archive location

Cloud Leopard version of "Zero's Track Change":

  • C:\Users\username\Saved Games\Falcom\Zero_no_Kiseki_Kai
  • C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\Falcom\Zero_no_Kiseki_Kai

How to use

There are a total of 13 files in the zero saves folder in the compressed package, corresponding to 6 archives and system information archives respectively. When using, you need to put xxx_save.bin and the corresponding xxx_save.ico into the folder of the above archive location, xxx is the archive serial number Such as 054, 057 and so on. You can also directly copy it in. system.bin and info.bin can enable built-in achievements.

  • After system and info are read, all achievements can be obtained directly
  • 44 is the four-dimensional nightmare difficulty clearance file, all achievements, which can be used for inheritance.
  • 54 is Ellie's bond file, after reading it, talk to Ellie to get Ellie's bond achievement
  • 57 is the one-week normal difficulty clearance archive
  • 68 is the Tio bond archive, after reading it, talk to Tio to get the Tio bond achievement
  • 69 is the final treasure chest archive. After reading it, open the last treasure chest to obtain the treasure hunter achievement. After reading this archive, return to the main interface, open all inherited contents through scores, and read and inherit the customs clearance file No. 71.
  • 70 is before the final boss on Nightmare difficulty
  • 71 is the Nightmare difficulty clearance file

Tracks of Zero·Change PS4 Archive

Archive download

Baidu Netdisk Extraction code: oz74

Decompression password: altina


This archive can get the best inheritance point (search officer level is full), butNot a perfect collection of archives, All are easy difficulty

Some trophy achievements need to re-trigger the specified conditions to get them normally, it is recommended that this save is only used for inheritance

2022-05-17 Update the perfect archive, including the boss battle and nightmare difficulty archive of each chapter.