A non-governmental organization composed of guerrillas aims to maintain regional peace and protect the people. The headquarter is in the Leman Autonomous Prefecture in the central and western part of the mainland. As the branches spread all over the mainland countries, it has a certain influence. Although it is for the safety of the people, the use of force is also on the side.
But on the other hand, the organizational rules also have the weakness that as long as the people’s safety is not threatened, they cannot exercise the power of investigation and arrest against the state and public power.
In addition, in the Ereponia Empire, the guerrillas' activities were greatly restricted due to the explosion of the association branch a few years ago. There are even international organizations that put people’s safety first. In the eyes of the imperial government or the great nobles, it is just a rumor... Temporary assistance. But after the incident was resolved, the activities were again restricted.
List of known major guerrillas
Liberl Kingdom
- Class A: "Firm" Kim Vasek
- A Rank: "Sword Girl" Elaine Oakrel
- C-Class: Elvis
- C-Class: Regina
- small bell
- Lenton
- Ismail
- Catalina Ford