Emma Milstin

"I──I hope I can maintain the peace of Semuria as the itinerant witch."


 Role experience

Emma, who was born in the Witch's hideout, was adopted by the elder Rosalia after the death of her mother, Aesola, and became a traveling witch after her sister Clotid left the Witch. , entered Thors Military Academy in order to fulfill the mission of leading the witch, the Activator.

However, during the activities of the 7th class, while the bond with his companions is deepening, he realizes his immaturity, and even feels frustrated because he does not understand the essence of the mission. At this time, with the encouragement of my partners, I found the way I should move forward.

Later, when the end of the world is approaching, she will use her power as a witch to help her friends around Rean.

Seven Glory Calendar



Born in the secret place where the witch's family is located

After the unfortunate death of her mother, Isola, who was a traveling witch, she was adopted by the elder Rosalia.


Clotid, who admired like a sister, left the Spirit of the Spirit and disappeared without a trace.

Recognized as a traveling witch, she begins to search for Clotid's whereabouts

April 1204



Received a scholarship as the first place and entered Thors Military Academy, and was selected as the monitor of the seventh class of Teco

In passing the final trial, he met Valima, the god of the gray knight, as the guide of the initiator Rean.

Realize that Misty is Clotid.

After the outbreak of the civil war, he escaped Thorz and lived in Ragram.

Working as a member of the Seventh Class to end the Civil War


Return to the mist and learn various secret arts from Rosalia

Follows the whereabouts of Clotides, and at the same time investigates the changes in various places as a traveling witch

May 1206



A pendant given to Rean that controls his ghosting

Use the transfer spell to rescue the comrades from the Black Star Cup

Combine the power of witches in the haze, and open up the road to the goblin base

Learn the truth in the Moon Spirit Cave and thank Rosalia

Fight side by side with your friends to secure the future of the Empire

Key words

Interpersonal relationship

Baidu Encyclopedia (not available)

Cafe Wiki (not yet available)