Alyssa Lanefort

Director of the Fourth Development Department of Lionforte Group

"I will definitely do a good job in the aftermath. Whether as an RF company related person or as Franz Lanefort's daughter!


Role experience

The daughter of Irina and Franz, the daughter of Gunn, the chairman of the Ryanfort Group, was loved by the family at a young age and spent a happy childhood.

However, when his father died in an accident, his mother, who was a director of the company, devoted herself to work in order to expand her career. In the end, Gunn was expelled from the chairmanship, and the bond between the family was lost.

After that, she left home and entered the Thors Military Academy, but because her mother was a permanent director of Thors, and under the influence of her mother's instruction, the housemaid Sharon became the housekeeper of the student dormitory, etc. Still in the hands of the family.

Armed with the knowledge and experience she had acquired in Class 7, Alyssa struggled day and night to be able to say "No" to her mother.

Seven Glory Calendar



Born as the eldest daughter of the Ryan Fuert family


Visited Yumir during a family trip and met Rean

Father Franz dies in accident but remains not found


Deepened relationship with Sharon, the housemaid hired at home


Grandfather Gunn resigns as president Ryan Fuert, mother Irina takes over as new president

April 1204



Enrolled in the Thorz Military Academy and was selected into the seventh class

After the outbreak of the civil war, escaped Thorz and lived in Nord

Solve the incident of the occupation of the Ryan Fult Company and rescue the mother Irina

Do your best to end the Civil War as a member of Class Seven


Inaugurated as Director of the Fourth Development Department of the Lionfort Group Corporation

July 1206


Developed power armor EXA with the help of Tida and Tio

It was learned that Alberich, the leader of the goblins, was Franz

Learn that Sharon has changed back to "Deadline" Kruger

Escape from the "Black Star Cup" and enter the hidden village of Ai Ling

Reconcile with Irina and Sharon in "The Gargantua Class Flying Fortress"

Battle Alberich in Fantasy Mobile Fortress

Meet Franz, who found himself after the destruction of Ishmegg

Fight with your buddies to grasp the future of the empire

Key words

Interpersonal relationship

Cafe Wiki (not yet available)