Trails series map model download


This time, the Unity project is provided, and most of the map models can be downloaded from the project, all in obj format. You can also directly use the Unity project for secondary creation.

All models, music copyright belongs to Japan Falcom company, organized and produced by Locus Series – Café, commercial use is strictly prohibited

download link

Unity project:GitHub

Flash Creation Crossbell Model:DialOneDrive, extraction code: oz74

Include model

The following models are located in the Assets/models folder

  • Liber
    • Llorente, Elize Street, Milk Street
    • Perth, East/West Perth Streets, Steel Wall Road, Haken Gate, Ravenno Village, New Ansel Street, Lake Valyria, Guroney Gate
    • Luan, Manoria Village, Mayweather Road, Marcia Orphanage, Johnny's Royal College, Aina Street, Al Rayden
    • Chase, Torrant Plains Road, Elmore Village, Wolfe's Fort, Lita Street, St Heim's Gate
    • Grantsell, Courtyard Avenue
  • Crossbell (Zero/Bi)
    • All except Lake Erum Wetland and Mishuram
  • Eastern Erebonia (Flash 1/2)
    • canton of krutchin
      • Baliahat, North/South Crutchen Streets, Olox Canyon Road, Olox Fort
      • Raglam, Lohengreen City, Abel Street
      • Keldik, East/West Keldik Street, Double Dragon Bridge
      • Garrelia Fortress (before the destruction of the machine), Garrelia Trail
    • Nautia
      • Yumir, Yumir Valley Road
      • Luray, Zaxon Mountain Road, Zaxon Iron Mine, Spinar Road, Naodia Street, Black Dragon Pass
    • Nord
    • imperial capital
      • Torista, Thors Sergeant College, East Torista Street
      • Heimdall Station, Arc de Triomphe, Dreckelsplatz, Garnier, Notre-Dame, Old Town, Austen (only the first 3 are included in the Unity scene)
  • Western Erebonia (Flash 3/4)
    • Hamel

The following models are located in the dial, Mega network disk

  • Crossbell (Flash/Tron)
    • urban area
    • each street
    • Village of Almorica, ancient battlefield
    • Mainz mining town, monastery
    • police academy
    • Medical University
    • wetlands

How to use Unity

  1. Use Unity version 2020.1.15f1 or newer
  2. Download the Flash Creation Crossbell model from the dial or Mega, and unzip the CityNew folder in it to the Assets/models/Crossbell folder. The meta file of the folder should be automatically generated when you import it.
  3. Just start the Unity project

Precautions: Due to the recent upgrade of the Unity new Input system to use a better third-person controller, some station teleport related codes may not be available, and the teleport triggered by walking will not be affected, but most maps need to be reset.

How to use individual models

Various models directly included in the Unity project

It can be used directly. It is recommended to import into Blender first, and then export it to a file such as glb, so as to avoid looking for the corresponding texture.

Stronk State Model

  1. Completely unzip the Shachuang Kezhou model compressed package downloaded by the dial/Mega to a folder, which should contain CityNew, json two folders, and a code file of, the content of the readme file is similar to the content of this article, But in English.
  2. useBlender 3.0(SteamAlso available for free download)
  3. Open blender, close the prompt, the interface as shown in the figure will be displayed, select all files in the scene, press the X key on the keyboard, and select Delete (delete)
  4. Enter the scripting interface and select New, as shown below
  5. Open with Notepad, copy the content, replace the folder path with the unzipped CityNew folder path, and replace json with the json file of the region you want to extract in the unzipped json folder, the specific json code and region The corresponding relationship can be found intrailsinthedatabasefind and click run
  6. The generated model has a 90-degree rotation, which does not have much effect. It is because the Y or Z axis is upward when imported. You can enter the layout, select all objects, and rotate all objects 90 degrees at the same time.
  7. The generated model may include some models outside the map, or you can delete it yourself
  8. After the processing is satisfied, you can generate the model format you want in File→Export (it is recommended to use glb. If you use obj or fbx, you need to select Copy at Path Model to ensure that all texture files are copied)


If the models here do not contain all the required models, seethis article, extracted directly from the Flash game, and will support the extraction of the Li track model later.