List of Games

Trails in the Sky the 1st
Basic information: Original title: The Trails in the Sky the 1st; Translated title: The Trails in the Sky the 1st; Release platform: PS5 | NS | Steam; Release date: 2025; Official Chinese; Supported music: Falcom Sound Te...Read More
The trajectory of the world
Basic information: The original name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails in the World. The translated name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails in the World. Release platform: PS4 | PS5 | PC Official Chinese support (PS4 | PS5 | PC) Music: Falcom Sound Team ..Read More
Trails of Cold Steel·Northern Campaign
Basic information The original name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War The translated name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails of Cold Steel Northern War Release platform Animation | Android | iOS | PC Official Chinese support (animation) Music Fal..Read More
The Locus of Lei II
Basic information The original name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails of the Legend of Heroes Ⅱ The translated name of the work is Hero Legend: Trails of the Legend of Heroes Ⅱ - Scarlet Sin - Release platform PS4 | PS5 | PC | NS Official Chinese support (PS4 | PS5 | PC | NS) Music..Read More