
"That, of course! I am also the heir of Roussey anyway!"


Role experience

It is a familiar created by Rosalia, the leader of "Witch's Family", by dividing her own powers. Watching Emma, at the same time, they went to Thors Sergeant Academy to check if Rean was qualified to be an Activator.

Ride with Rean after he became the Activator and provide support in battle. Later, when Rean tried to escape from the Black Workshop, he used the transformation technique and turned into a human. Since then, he has supported Rean and the others, and faced the mission of being the leader of the next generation of witches.

Seven Glory Calendar


? ? ? ?

Directly split the power through Rosalia, and was born as the family of the True Ancestor

1204 April

Go to Thors Sergeant Academy with Emma

1204 June

Meet Rean at the NCO

1204 July

Informing Rean of her Sereno name and gender through Emma

1204 October

When the nobles jointly attacked Thors, escaped with Rean in the "Grey Rider"

1204 Nov

After the outbreak of the civil war, support Rean who woke up from the Isengate Mountains

1204 Dec

Join forces with Varimar to open the way of the elves and help find the whereabouts of Class Seven and other academy students

Joining forces with Emma and others to end the civil war


Support Emma who travels around the empire as a traveling witch 1

1206 May

Helped New Class Seven with Emma on East Crossbell Street

1206 June

Informed Rean about "The Witch's Family"

1206 July

Participated in the old seventh class reunion held in the imperial capital with Emma

Transferred to the goblin's base together with Rean in the Battle of the Black Star Cup

1206 August

In the "Black Atelier" humanoid, supporting the ghost Rean, and escaped with the new seventh class who came to the rescue

In the Moon Spirit Cave, Rosalia entrusted with the responsibility of the next elder

1206 Sep

Supported the battle of Rean and others in "Mobile Fortress Fantasy"


Attended the wedding of Olibart and Shirazade

Interpersonal relationship

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