The Path of the World – Notes

Trails in the World Books

wdt_ID Book classification Book title Get Time method of obtaining
1 Intelligence Magazine Terrell Newsletter No. 1 Prologue 【Plot】Talking with the Butler in the Reception Room
2 Intelligence Magazine Terrell Newsletter No. 2 Part 1 【Purchase】Capital Edith · Old City News · Cigarette "Mello Rose"
3 Intelligence Magazine Terrell Communications Outside the Numbers Part 3 【Purchase】Capital Edith · Old City News · Cigarette "Mello Rose"
4 Intelligence Magazine Basel Technology Newsletter July Issue Part 2: Rean Line 1 【Buy】Bazel New Market Street "Urnu Store"
5 Intelligence Magazine Terrell Newsletter No. 3 Part 2: Vann Line 2 【Purchase】Capital Edith · Old City News · Cigarette "Mello Rose"
6 Intelligence Magazine Saalbad Zeitung Part 2: Kevin Line 1 【Purchase】Salbad・Downtown boutique "Azrak"・Gifts and sundries "Chatine"
7 Intelligence Magazine Eaton Newsletter No. 1 Part 3: Vann Line 4 【Purchase】Ankaville Grocery Store 《Esperva》
8 Intelligence Magazine Saalbad Zeitung Part 3: Kevin Line 2 【Purchase】Salbad・Downtown boutique "Azrak"・Gifts and sundries "Chatine"
9 Intelligence Magazine Eaton Newsletter No. 2 Part 3: Vann Line 6 【Purchase】Ankaville Grocery Store 《Esperva》
10 Intelligence Magazine Terrell Communications Special end [Purchase] Mobile store in the capital Etis Vantaiyu area "Eddie"
11 Movie surroundings Pilgrimage Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 2·Vann Line 2/Part 2·Vann Line 3 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
12 Movie surroundings Legend of Courage: Flame Awakening Part 1 2/Part 1 3/Part 2 · Vann Line 2/Part 2 · Vann Line 3 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
13 Movie surroundings Detective Scuillo ~ The Transcontinental Railroad Murder Case ~ Part 1/Part 12/Part 2·Vann Line 2/Part 3·Vann Line 4 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
14 Movie surroundings Fist of Red Flame Part 2: Rean 1-2/Part 2: Vann 2/Part 3: Vann 6 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
15 Movie surroundings Human Game Part 2 · Fann 1/Part 2 · Fann 3/Part 3 · Fann 4/Part 3 · Fann 5 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
16 Movie surroundings SHINOBI PUNK ~Izayoi~ Part 2: Kevin 1/Part 2: Vann 3/Part 3: Kevin 2/Part 3: Vann 4-6 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
17 Movie surroundings Golden Blood R15 Edition Part 2: Rean 2/Part 3: Kevin 2 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
18 Movie surroundings Cheerleading Star Part 3: Vann 4-6 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
19 Movie surroundings boots missi Part 1 3/Part 2 · Vann 2/Part 2 · Rean 2 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
20 Movie surroundings perfect driver 2 Part 2: Rean 1-2 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
21 Movie surroundings GLORIA ~The May Revolution of Destiny~ Part 2: Rean 1/Part 3: Kevin 2 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
22 Movie surroundings Wolf Pack Requiem Part 2: Kevin 1/Part 3: Kevin 2/Part 3: Vann 5 After watching the corresponding movie, purchase in the movie theater/swipe the treasure shop at the end
Book classification

wdt_ID release time Cinema Movie title Peer role
1 Part 1 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Pilgrimage Aniès/Felix/Aaron/Lizzette/Belgarde
2 Part 1 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Detective Scuola: The Continental Railway Murder Case Anies/Lizzette/Cartel/Belgard
3 Part 12 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Pilgrimage Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Judith/Belgarde/Elain
4 Part 12 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Detective Scuola: The Continental Railway Murder Case Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Eileen
5 Part 12 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Legend of Courage: Flame Awakening Fili/Aaron/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Elain
6 Part 3 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Pilgrimage Jorda (alone)/Anies/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Judith/Belgarde/Elain
7 Part 3 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Legend of Courage: Flame Awakening Jorda (alone)/Anies/Fellie/Aaron/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Eline
8 Part 3 Trionta "Stardust Studios" boots missi Jorda (single)/Eleen/Raine
9 Part 2: Rean 1 Basil Neumarkt Fist of Red Flame All
10 Part 2: Rean 1 Basil Neumarkt perfect driver 2 All
11 Part 2: Rean 1 Basil Neumarkt GLORIA~The Fateful May Revolution~ All
12 Part 2: Fann 1 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Pilgrimage Anies/Fili/Aaron/Liget/Judith/Belgarde/Shizuna
13 Part 2: Fann 1 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Legend of Courage: Flame Awakening Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Shizuna
14 Part 2: Fann 1 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Human Game Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Liget/Cartel/Belgard/Shizuna
15 Part 2: Kevin 1 Salbad Downtown SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ All
16 Part 2: Kevin 1 Salbad Downtown Wolf Pack Requiem All
17 Part 2: Rean 2 Basil Neumarkt Fist of Red Flame All
18 Part 2: Rean 2 Basil Neumarkt boots missi All
19 Part 2: Rean 2 Basil Neumarkt Golden Blood R15 Edition All
20 Part 2: Rean 2 Basil Neumarkt perfect driver 2 All
21 Part 2: Fann 2 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Pilgrimage Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Judith/Belgard/Elain
22 Part 2: Fann 2 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Detective Scuola: The Continental Railway Murder Case Anies/Liget/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Elain
23 Part 2: Fann 2 Trionta "Stardust Studios" Fist of Red Flame Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Liget/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Elain
24 Part 2: Fann 3 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Legend of Courage: Flame Awakening Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Elain
25 Part 2: Fann 3 Terrell Theosophical Theatre SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgarde
26 Part 2: Fann 3 Terrell Theosophical Theatre Human Game Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Belgard
27 Part 3: Fann 4 Ankaville Detective Scuola: The Continental Railway Murder Case Anies/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgarde/Raine
28 Part 3: Fann 4 Ankaville SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Raine
29 Part 3: Fann 4 Ankaville Human Game Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Belgard/Raine
30 Part 3: Fann 4 Ankaville Cheerleading Star Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Raine
31 Part 3: Kevin 2 Salbad Downtown SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ All
32 Part 3: Kevin 2 Salbad Downtown Golden Blood R15 Edition All
33 Part 3: Kevin 2 Salbad Downtown GLORIA~The Fateful May Revolution~ All
34 Part 3: Kevin 2 Salbad Downtown Wolf Pack Requiem All
35 Part 3: Fann 5 Ankaville SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Raine
36 Part 3: Fann 5 Ankaville Human Game Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Belgard/Raine
37 Part 3: Fann 5 Ankaville Cheerleading Star Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Raine
38 Part 3: Fann 5 Ankaville Wolf Pack Requiem Aniès/Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgarde
39 Part 3: Fann 6 Ankaville Fist of Red Flame Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgard/Elain
40 Part 3: Fann 6 Ankaville SHINOBI PUNK~Izayoi~ Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Belgarde/Jorda
41 Part 3: Fann 6 Ankaville Cheerleader Star Fili/Aaron/Lizzette/Cartel/Judith/Elain/Jorda
release time Cinema Movie title

wdt_ID chapter area Appearance location name Get props grade EXP HP/STR/DEF/ATS/ADF/SPD Ground efficiency/water efficiency/fire efficiency/wind efficiency/time efficiency/air efficiency/phantom efficiency Earth/Water/Fire/Wind/Time/Space/Illusion/Glitter Crystal Block
1 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Man-eating bee Spice/Rainbow Berry 5 16 689/51/14/44/14/13 60/110/150/90/-/-/- 1/0/1/3/0/0/0/2
2 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Creeping vines All-purpose leafy vegetables/ Honey carrots 5 25 1365/53/16/44/12/15 90/60/110/150/-/-/- 3/2/0/2/1/1/1/3
3 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Big Wrist Cooling spray/U material 6 57 3294/82/121/51/2/20 110/150/90/60/-/-/- 1/3/5/3/1/1/1/5
4 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Passionate Knitter Recovery medicine/EP filler Ⅰ 6 114 7235/84/28/62/27/25 80/40/120/180/-/-/- 9/5/1/5/3/3/3/9
5 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Ancient Asian Dragon Resurrection drug/U substance 6 114 7310/79/32/62/23/25 180/80/40/120/-/-/- 5/9/5/1/3/3/3/9
6 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Belgard -/- 7 128 16189/105/57/74/43/25 90/60/110/150/-/-/- 21/14/7/14/9/9/9/26
7 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Lizette -/- 7 128 13491/88/59/80/49/27 150/90/60/110/-/-/- 14/21/14/7/9/9/9/26
8 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Clo -/- 7 128 14394/100/52/85/48/24 150/90/60/110/-/-/- 14/21/14/7/9/9/9/26
9 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Lufas -/- 7 128 15298/94/54/89/52/23 60/110/150/90/-/-/- 14/7/14/21/9/9/9/26
10 Prologue Ored Autonomous Prefecture Valhalla area Labis -/- 7 128 12600/92/48/95/54/11 100/100/100/100/-/-/- 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
chapter area Appearance location